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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Dragon. For the Big Fish, see Vidofnir (Seafood).
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Female ♀
The Dravanian Forelands (16.8,23.6)
Hraesvelgr (Sire)
Quest NPC

"Our sire bade us hearken unto the whispers of our hearts. They spoke to us of a paradise lost—of bonds of brotherhood which they yearn to see restored."

Sired by the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, Vidofnir dwells in the abandoned halls of the once prosperous Anyx Trine. She is one of few who remembers the era when man and dragon joined their hands in peace, and is revered as an elder by the others of their brood. She counts herself amongst Ysayle’s friends, and through the Lady Iceheart made acquaintance with the Warrior of Light and his allies. After no small amount of persuasion, Vidofnir has resolved to once again walk the path of peace and work to restore the bonds that once brought together all peoples of Dravania.

— In-game description

Vidofnir is a Dragon in The Dravanian Forelands.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Heavensward Main Scenario quest 60 Guidance Node
Breaking the Cycle Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
Dreams of the Lost Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
An Ally for Ishgard Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
Your Enemy and Mine Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm
Piecing Together the Past Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
Original Sins Job quest 56 Sidurgu
The Fires of Sohm Al Feature quest 60 Gossamer Moogle
One Golem to Rule Them All Job quest 70 Lalai
The Legacies We Leave Sidequest 60 Marcechamp

Additional Information