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Heavensward Sightseeing Log 62: The Cathedral

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The Cathedral

HW sightseeing log 62.png
Log Entry
Heavensward: #62
Azys Lla (X:25.9, Y:28.6, Z:6.0)
Lookout.png  Lookout
Eorzea Time
Feature QuestSights of the North

From high atop Azys Lla, I looked out upon the realm in all her twisted beauty.
There I saw a sight that will be sung of for as long as songs are sung.

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

A cathedral designed in a distinct Meracydian style. The architecture suggests a place of worship by a tribe of treelike beings who believed themselves “remnants” of Sephirot. To research the link between faith and primal summoning, the Allagans moved the ancient structure to Azys Lla from its original location on the southern continent.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

The Cathedral is part of the Sightseeing Log for Heavensward.


On part of the broken wall. You must land on top of the wall and then fall down. (Requires Flying)