Delivery Moogle Quests

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With their button noses and fuzzy poms, moogles can typically be counted upon to see letters and parcels safely to their destinations. When a delivery goes awry, however, you are tasked with setting things right, and so your adventure begins with but a simple letter.

— Patch 2.3 Official Website

See also: Side Quests

The Delivery Moogle Quests are a series of mail delivery quests initially released in patch 2.3.

Delivery Moogle Quests1.jpg
Delivery Moogle Quests2.jpg
Delivery Moogle Quests3.jpg
Postmoogle progress.png

Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Of Errant Epistles Sidequest 50 Klynthota The postmoogle always rings twice icon1.png  The Postmoogle Always Rings Twice
A Debt Unpaid Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Finger sandwich icon1.png  Finger Sandwich
3 Black truffle risotto icon1.png  Black Truffle Risotto
3 Pan-fried mahi-mahi icon1.png  Pan-fried Mahi-mahi
3 Landtrap salad icon1.png  Landtrap Salad
Carline Memories Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Mulled tea icon1.png  Mulled Tea
3 Apkallu omelette icon1.png  Apkallu Omelette
3 Rolanberry cheesecake icon1.png  Rolanberry Cheesecake
3 Dzemael gratin icon1.png  Dzemael Gratin
Dream On Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Sauteed coeurl icon1.png  Sauteed Coeurl
3 Lava toad legs icon1.png  Lava Toad Legs
3 Pineapple ponzecake icon1.png  Pineapple Ponzecake
3 Tomato pie icon1.png  Tomato Pie
Spirits Most Foul Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Eft steak icon1.png  Eft Steak
3 Grilled raincaller icon1.png  Grilled Raincaller
3 Bouillabaisse icon1.png  Bouillabaisse
3 Beef stew icon1.png  Beef Stew
Dubious Dancing Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
Stroking the Haft Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
Thwack-a-Mole Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 1 Mini mole icon2.png  Mini Mole
Sweet Words, Shadowy Dealings Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 40 Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
40 Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard
40 Water Shard.png  Water Shard
The Captain of Her Heart Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
Sudul Eht Nioj Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
Of Siblings and Side-whiskers Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 1 Jandelaines token icon1.png  Jandelaine's Token

Patch 2.4: Dreams of Ice

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
Death of a Mailman Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
All in the Family Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 3 Mulled tea icon1.png  Mulled Tea
Duel Personalities Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 1 Flint caviar icon1.png  Flint Caviar

Patch 2.45

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
Lone Survivor Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
Guildmaster, Prelate, and Plot Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
The Past Is a Story We Never Tell Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Triple cream coffee icon1.png  Triple Cream Coffee
3 Bacon bread icon1.png  Bacon Bread
3 Haddock dip icon1.png  Haddock Dip
3 Bacon broth icon1.png  Bacon Broth

Patch 2.5: Before the Fall

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
Thanks For Your Support Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 1 Star-spangled subligar icon1.png  Star-spangled Subligar
Hostages to Fortune Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Pineapple juice icon1.png  Pineapple Juice
3 Apkallu omelette icon1.png  Apkallu Omelette
3 Rolanberry cheesecake icon1.png  Rolanberry Cheesecake
3 Dzemael gratin icon1.png  Dzemael Gratin
3 Allagan bronze piece icon1.png  Allagan Bronze Piece

Patch 2.51

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
A Qiqirn Always Pays His Debts Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
The Hazy Professor Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 25 Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
10 Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal

Patch 2.55

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Blues on Emerald Avenue Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle 1 Carnation icon1.png  Carnation
Better Left Unfound Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle
3 Mega-potion of vitality icon1.png  Mega-Potion of Vitality
3 Mega-potion of mind icon1.png  Mega-Potion of Mind
3 Allagan bronze piece icon1.png  Allagan Bronze Piece
The Little Postmoogle That Could Sidequest 50 Deputy Postmoogle Postal icon1.png  Postal 1 Postmoogle cap icon1.png  Postmoogle Cap