Eureka Hydatos FATEs

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See also: List of FATEs and The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
FATE Notorious Monster Location Elemental EXP Eureka Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Crystals Notable Rewards Spawn Mob
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 50) I Ink, Therefore I Am
Water Khalamari (X:10.8, Y:25.6) 11,161,152 Eureka 63Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 4 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
5 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 55 Xzomit
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 50) Drink Me
Water Elemental Conflict (X:13.8, Y:21.6) 2,536,625 Eureka 30Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 3 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 51) From Tusk till Dawn
Earth Stegodon (X:10.4, Y:17.2) 12,277,267 Eureka 69Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 4 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
5 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 56 Hydatos Primelephas
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 52) Bullheaded Berserker
Ice Molech (X:8.1, Y:21.8) 13,529,549 Eureka 75Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 5 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
6 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Molechs horn icon1.png  Molech's Horn
Lv. 57 Val Nullchu
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 53) Mad, Bad, and Fabulous to Know
Wind Piasa (X:7.1, Y:14.5) 14,936,622 Eureka 81Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 5 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
6 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 58 Vivid Gastornis
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 54) Fearful Symmetry
Fire Frostmane (X:8.2, Y:26.1) 16,519,904 Eureka 87Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 6 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
7 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 59 Northern Tiger
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 55) Crawling Chaos
Water Daphne (X:24.2, Y:19) 18,304,054 Eureka 96Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 6 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
7 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 60 Dark Void Monk
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 56) Duty-free
Lightning King Goldemar (X:29.1, Y:23) 19,393,977 Eureka 99Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 7 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
8 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Goldemars horn icon1.png  Goldemar's Horn
1 Triple Triad Card r2.png  Dvergr Card
Lv. 61 Hydatos Wraith Night spawn icon1.png
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 57) Leukewarm Reception
Earth Leuke (X:37.4, Y:26.4) 21,566,102 Eureka 105Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 7 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
8 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 62 Tigerhawk
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 58) Robber Barong
Fire Barong (X:32.2, Y:25.3) 24,390,235 Eureka 108Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 8 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
9 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 63 Laboratory Lion
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 59) Stone-cold Killer
Water Ceto (X:36.3, Y:14) 25,699,605 Eureka 114Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 8 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
9 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Cetos claw icon1.png  Ceto's Claw
Lv. 64 Hydatos Delphine
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) Crystalline Provenance
FireIce Provenance Watcher (X:32.8, Y:19.5) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
10 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
3 Crystalline scale icon1.png  Crystalline Scale
1 Triple Triad Card r3.png  Provenance Watcher Card
Lv. 65 Crystal Claw
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) I Don't Want to Believe
Ice Ovni Umbral Turbulence.png (X:26.3, Y:29.2) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
10 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) The Baldesion Arsenal: Expedition Support
Wind Tristitia (X:18.7, Y:28.4) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
30 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal