This article is about the list of Servers, which are officially referred to as "Worlds". For the in-universe lore meaning of "world", see World.
Servers or Worlds are individual instances of Final Fantasy XIV. Servers are located in 4 places on Earth: North America, Europe, Japan, and Oceania. Each region is further divided into Data Centers. Each Data Center has multiple servers.
There are no regional limitations on servers. Anyone can create characters on any of the 4 regions. During Character Creation, players can select the world server of their choice to begin the game on. An indicator by each world in the world list indicates population density, represented by chocobo icons, as low, average, or high. For more information about Preferred Worlds, please refer to the Play Guide entry on population balancing.
Characters cannot be created on Congested servers, or on servers where very many players are currently logged on.
To transfer a character from one server to another, player needs to use the World Transfer Service, which costs real world money. This fee is waived only if transferring from a Congested server to a Preferred one, or from any non-New server to a New server. You can check a World's current status on the official world status page. However, players can temporarily visit other servers with the World Visit System and Data Center Travel, which have some restrictions.
Note that Legacy servers are servers that existed before the A Realm Reborn (2.0) relaunch. Each server has an internal ID number that was retrieved from the API via datamining; it is unknown what these IDs are based upon.
There are separate servers for the Chinese and Korean regions, and those versions of the game are totally isolated, run by local subcontracted companies, and incompatible with the international version. If an international player finds themselves in a Chinese or Korean region, a VPN may be needed to connect to the international servers.
Data Center Selection
When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to select a regional data center. Your choice of data center will determine the Worlds you may choose from after creating your character. Please note that characters are bound to the World on which they are created.
- Your data center can be changed at any time via the Data Center Selection window at the title screen.
1. Select a data center.
If you have previously logged in with a character, the data center of the last character played will be denoted with a ★ symbol.
2. Review the list of data centers and their associated Worlds.
Worlds listed under the data center of the last character played will be highlighted.
North American Region
Aether Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
73 | Adamantoise | August 16, 2013 | No |
79 | Cactuar | August 16, 2013 | No |
54 | Faerie | August 18, 2013 | No |
63 | Gilgamesh | August 16, 2013 | No |
40 | Jenova | April 04, 2014 | No |
65 | Midgardsormr | August 16, 2013 | No |
99 | Sargatanas | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
57 | Siren | August 18, 2013 | No |
Crystal Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
91 | Balmung | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
34 | Brynhildr | September 12, 2013 | No |
74 | Coeurl | August 16, 2013 | No |
62 | Diabolos | August 16, 2013 | No |
81 | Goblin | August 16, 2013 | No |
75 | Malboro | August 16, 2013 | No |
37 | Mateus | September 12, 2013 | No |
41 | Zalera | September 12, 2013 | No |
Primal Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
78 | Behemoth | August 16, 2013 | No |
93 | Excalibur | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
53 | Exodus | August 18, 2013 | No |
35 | Famfrit | September 4, 2013 | No |
95 | Hyperion | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
55 | Lamia | August 18, 2013 | No |
64 | Leviathan | August 16, 2013 | No |
77 | Ultros | August 16, 2013 | No |
Dynamis Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
406 | Halicarnassus | November 1, 2022 | No |
407 | Maduin | November 1, 2022 | No |
404 | Marilith | November 1, 2022 | No |
405 | Seraph | November 1, 2022 | No |
The Dynamis Data Center was added on November 1, 2022 and initially has four Worlds. Four more worlds are planned to be implemented at a later date.
European Region
Chaos Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
80 | Cerberus | August 16, 2013 | No |
83 | Louisoix | June 16, 2017 | No |
71 | Moogle | August 16, 2013 | No |
39 | Omega | June 16, 2017 | No |
401 | Phantom | July 5, 2022 | No |
97 | Ragnarok | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
400 | Sagittarius | July 5, 2022 | No |
85 | Spriggan | June 18, 2019 | No |
Light Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
402 | Alpha | July 5, 2022 | No |
36 | Lich | September 4, 2013 | No |
66 | Odin | August 16, 2013 | No |
56 | Phoenix | August 18, 2013 | No |
403 | Raiden | July 5, 2022 | No |
67 | Shiva | August 16, 2013 | No |
33 | Twintania | June 18, 2019 | No |
42 | Zodiark | April, 04, 2014 | No |
Japanese Region
Elemental Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
90 | Aegis | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
68 | Atomos | August 16, 2013 | No |
45 | Carbuncle | August 16, 2013 | No |
58 | Garuda | August 16, 2013 | No |
94 | Gungnir | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
49 | Kujata | August 18, 2013 | No |
72 | Tonberry | August 16, 2013 | No |
50 | Typhon | August 18, 2013 | No |
Gaia Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
43 | Alexander | August 16, 2013 | No |
69 | Bahamut | August 16, 2013 | No |
92 | Durandal | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
46 | Fenrir | August 16, 2013 | No |
59 | Ifrit | August 16, 2013 | No |
98 | Ridill | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
76 | Tiamat | August 16, 2013 | No |
51 | Ultima | August 18, 2013 | No |
Mana Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
44 | Anima | August 16, 2013 | No |
23 | Asura | September 12, 2013 | No |
70 | Chocobo | August 16, 2013 | No |
47 | Hades | August 16, 2013 | No |
48 | Ixion | August 18, 2013 | No |
96 | Masamune | August 16, 2013 | Yes |
28 | Pandaemonium | September 4, 2013 | No |
61 | Titan | August 16, 2013 | No |
Meteor Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
24 | Belias | September 12, 2013 | No |
82 | Mandragora | August 16, 2013 | No |
60 | Ramuh | August 16, 2013 | No |
29 | Shinryu | April 4, 2014 | No |
30 | Unicorn | September 12, 2013 | No |
52 | Valefor | August 18, 2013 | No |
31 | Yojimbo | September 12, 2013 | No |
32 | Zeromus | September 12, 2013 | No |
The Meteor Data Center was added on July 5, 2022 to the Japanese data center, and certain existing Worlds were redistributed to it.
Oceanian Region
Materia Data Center
ID | Name | Activation Date | Legacy Server |
22 | Bismarck | January 25, 2022 | No |
21 | Ravana | January 25, 2022 | No |
86 | Sephirot | January 25, 2022 | No |
87 | Sophia | January 25, 2022 | No |
88 | Zurvan | January 25, 2022 | No |
World Visit System
- Main article: World Visit System
Players may visit other World servers in your data center to party with friends, purchase items, and tackle duties as of Patch 4.57.
Data Center Travel
- Main article: Data Center Travel
Players may travel between logical data centers to embark on adventures with players from those data centers as of patch 6.18.