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Ulan's Note

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Ulan's Note

Item type
Key Item

A list of miscellaneous supplies required for Ulan's research.

— In-game description



Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Dream Fulfilled Repeatable Feature quest 60 Ardashir

Used For


Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items Rewards
A Dream Fulfilled Repeatable Feature quest 60 Ardashir 1 Anima Glass Icon.png  Anima Glass
1 Ulans note icon1.png  Ulan's Note
60 Crystal sand icon1.png  Crystal Sand
60 Umbrite icon1.png  Umbrite
1 Hyperconductive almace icon1.png  Hyperconductive Almace
1 Hyperconductive ancile icon1.png  Hyperconductive Ancile
1 Hyperconductive ukonvasara icon1.png  Hyperconductive Ukonvasara
1 Hyperconductive nothung icon1.png  Hyperconductive Nothung
1 Hyperconductive rhongomiant icon1.png  Hyperconductive Rhongomiant
1 Hyperconductive verethragna icon1.png  Hyperconductive Verethragna
1 Hyperconductive kannagi icon1.png  Hyperconductive Kannagi
1 Hyperconductive gandiva icon1.png  Hyperconductive Gandiva
1 Hyperconductive armageddon icon1.png  Hyperconductive Armageddon
1 Hyperconductive hvergelmir icon1.png  Hyperconductive Hvergelmir
1 Hyperconductive Draconomicon.png  Hyperconductive Draconomicon
1 Hyperconductive majestas icon1.png  Hyperconductive Majestas
1 Hyperconductive tetrabiblos icon1.png  Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos
1 Hyperconductive deneb icon1.png  Hyperconductive Deneb
1 Sword of the twin thegns icon1.png  Sword of the Twin Thegns
1 Shield of the twin thegns icon1.png  Shield of the Twin Thegns
1 Axe of the blood emperor icon1.png  Axe of the Blood Emperor
1 Guillotine of the tyrant icon1.png  Guillotine of the Tyrant
1 Trident of the overlord icon1.png  Trident of the Overlord
1 Sultans fists icon1.png  Sultan's Fists
1 Spurs of the thorn prince icon1.png  Spurs of the Thorn Prince
1 Bow of the autarch icon1.png  Bow of the Autarch
1 Flame of the dynast icon1.png  Flame of the Dynast
1 Rod of the black khan icon1.png  Rod of the Black Khan
1 Book of the Mad Queen.png  Book of the Mad Queen
1 Cane of the white tsar icon1.png  Cane of the White Tsar
1 Word of the magnate icon1.png  Word of the Magnate
1 Sphere of the last heir icon1.png  Sphere of the Last Heir

Additional Information


Vendor Location / Coordinates Section Cost Unlock req.
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Unidentifiable bone icon1.png 1 Unidentifiable Bone + Unidentifiable shell icon1.png 1 Unidentifiable Shell + Unidentifiable ore icon1.png 1 Unidentifiable Ore + Unidentifiable seeds icon1.png 1 Unidentifiable Seeds Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Moonstone icon1.png 5 Moonstone Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Garlond steel icon1.png 1 Garlond Steel + Celestine icon1.png 1 Celestine + High allagan chimera leather icon1.png 1 High Allagan Chimera Leather Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Inferno horn icon1.png 1 Inferno Horn + Crag heart icon1.png 1 Crag Heart + Diamond tear icon1.png 1 Diamond Tear Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Amber-encased vilekin icon1.png 1 Amber-encased Vilekin Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Vortex feather icon1.png 1 Vortex Feather + Barb of the whorl icon1.png 1 Barb of the Whorl + Large levin orb icon1.png 1 Large Levin Orb Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
0Vendor currently unavailable Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Fire materia iv icon1.png 1 Fire Materia IV + Wind materia iv icon1.png 1 Wind Materia IV + Lightning materia iv icon1.png 1 Lightning Materia IV Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Superior enchanted ink icon1.png 5 Superior Enchanted Ink + Thavnairian mist icon1.png 5 Thavnairian Mist Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
0Vendor currently unavailable Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Ice materia iv icon1.png 1 Ice Materia IV + Earth Materia IV.png 1 Earth Materia IV + Water materia iv icon1.png 1 Water Materia IV Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Blue crafters scrip token icon1.png 5 Blue Crafters' Scrip Token Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
0Vendor currently unavailable Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Mhachi farthing icon1.png 2 Mhachi Farthing + Allagan catalyst icon1.png 5 Allagan Catalyst Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Battlecraft demimateria i icon1.png 3 Battlecraft Demimateria I + Battlecraft demimateria ii icon1.png 2 Battlecraft Demimateria II + Fieldcraft demimateria i icon1.png 3 Fieldcraft Demimateria I + Fieldcraft demimateria ii icon1.png 2 Fieldcraft Demimateria II Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled
Ulan Idyllshire (6.4, 4.7) Crystal Sand Exchange Blue gatherers scrip token icon1.png 5 Blue Gatherers' Scrip Token Repeatable Feature QuestA Dream Fulfilled