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Lyolf is a Hyur in The Diadem. He found on a small island in the Diadem, home to the outpost called The Bounty. It is unknown if he is a member of the Bounty's former crew, or if he is there for other reasons. He will tell the player about the Lockboxes found in the Diadem.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Additional Information
Lyolf: The beasts of the Diadem are a rather curious breed. Sometimes they hoard the possessions of the fallen, providing an unexpected boon after you slay them. Lyolf: But even then, you may find your treasures shut tight inside a sturdy lockbox and the key nowhere to be found. Rather than take an axe to the lid and risk ruining your spoils, however, I would suggest employing the services of a talented lockpicker.
System: Gold, silver, or bronze treasure coffers may appear upon the defeat of certain enemies or the completion of mission objectives. System: These coffers will occasionally contain items known as lockboxes. System: To open a lockbox and obtain the treasures hidden within, you will need to employ the services of a picker of locks. These specialists can be found in Ishgard, the residential districts, and the Diadem itself.