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Master of Fen-Yll Fineries
Female ♀
Hyur (Midlander)
Old Gridania (12.6,7.9)
Quest NPC

"The very thought of some two-gil hide mangler claiming to represent this guild just makes me want to... Gaaah!"

Geva is the master of the Fen-Yll Fineries and the Leatherworkers' Guild. Her patterns are famed throughout the realm for two reasons. First, they're the height of elegant design. Second, they waste not so much as a scrap of hide, and thereby honor the creature's sacrifice. Within the guild halls, Geva is a terror—ever scowling, and quick to give a tongue-lashing to even experienced craftsmen. Within the twenty-nine-year old Midlander's own home, however, she is reputedly a kindly and loving mother of two.

— In-game description

Geva is a Hyur in Old Gridania.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
My First Head Knife Class quest 1 Geva
A Test of Technique Class quest 5 Geva
Geva's Gambit Class quest 10 Geva
Working Hells for Leather Class quest 15 Geva
Aldgoat Everything Class quest 20 Geva
Skin in the Game Class quest 25 Geva
Toadskins of the Father Class quest 30 Geva
Lead by Example Class quest 35 Geva
Brand Loyalty Class quest 40 Geva
Dissension in the Ranks Class quest 45 Geva
Accept No Imitations Class quest 50 Geva
Turndown Service Class quest 50 Geva
A Taxing Request Class quest 60 Geva

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Tataru's Surprise Main Scenario quest 57 Tataru
Light-headed Class quest 53 Blanstyr
Way of the Leatherworker Feature quest 1 Randall
A Winter's Sale Class quest 60 Elde
The Trouble with Taxidermy Class quest 68 Atelloune
In the Image of the Ancients Job quest 45 Alka Zolka

Additional Information