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Wounded some decades ago by a dragoon’s lance, this creature of Nidhogg’s Horde made its way from northern Coerthas to the island of Vylbrand, where it entered into a deep sleep of healing. It ought to come as no surprise, then, that the dragon was in a bad mood when Brayflox and her crew arrived. They chose Raincatcher Gully as a retreat so that it might feed upon the jungle's poisonous vegetation to imbue its breath with virulence.

— In-game description

Aiatar is a boss in Brayflox's Longstop.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins longstop arms (lv. 32) icon1.png  Paladin's Longstop Arms (Lv. 32) Other N/A BGreen 1
Longstop labrys icon1.png  Longstop Labrys Marauder's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop greatsword icon1.png  Longstop Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop lance icon1.png  Longstop Lance Lancer's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop hora icon1.png  Longstop Hora Pugilist's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop baselards icon1.png  Longstop Baselards Rogue's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop bow icon1.png  Longstop Bow Archer's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop arquebus icon1.png  Longstop Arquebus Machinist's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop pole icon1.png  Longstop Pole Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop grimoire icon1.png  Longstop Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 34 BGreen 1
Longstop crook icon1.png  Longstop Crook Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Longstop globe icon1.png  Longstop Globe Astrologian's Arm 34 BGreen 1
Cavalry sabatons icon1.png  Cavalry Sabatons Feet 34 BGreen 1
Infantry thighboots icon1.png  Infantry Thighboots Feet 34 BGreen 1
Battlemages crakows icon1.png  Battlemage's Crakows Feet 34 BGreen 1
Lipflaps on longstops orchestrion roll icon1.png  Lipflaps on Longstops Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Brayflox's Longstop (X:10, Y:6) 32


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Things We Do for Cheese Main Scenario quest 32 Wheiskaet

Additional Information


“What strange masks those mortals donned.”

Aiatar was injured during a battle with dragoons, and fled to Vylbrand to nurse its wounds. There, Brayflox’s men disturbed its slumber, and Aiatar flew into a wild rage. It seems that the wyrm of Nidhogg’s brood traveled to the dense jungles to devour poisonous plants, and replenish its natural supply of toxins the dragon is known to spew at its foes. [1]

  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 207