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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Old Sharlayan (12.2,13.4)

As ever, we are inundated with requests that beg for fulfillment. If you are come seeking work, we gladly welcome the assistance.

— In-game description

Grigge is a Hyur in Old Sharlayan. He is the Levemete for all levequests from level 80 - 88.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Leves of Old Sharlayan Feature quest 80 Grigge

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver


Tradecraft Leves


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Timber of Tenkonto Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2, y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Horse chestnut lumber icon1.png  Horse Chestnut Lumber Deliver lengths of horse chestnut lumber to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
A Real Grind Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 935,000 Gil 4,900 Horse chestnut grinding wheel icon1.png  Horse Chestnut Grinding Wheel Deliver a horse chestnut grinding wheel to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Earring Awakening Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 815,150 Gil 2,455 Palm ear cuffs of fending icon1.png  Palm Ear Cuffs of Fending Deliver a pair of palm ear cuffs of fending to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
A Wristy Experiment Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 846,040 Gil 2,460 Palm bracelets of aiming icon1.png  Palm Bracelets of Aiming Deliver a pair of palm bracelets of aiming to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
In Rod We Trust Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,255,600 Gil 4,960 Red pine fishing rod icon1.png  Red Pine Fishing Rod Deliver a red pine fishing rod to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
A Better Conductor Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 933,280 Gil 2,470 Red pine lumber icon1.png  Red Pine Lumber Deliver lengths of red pine lumber to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
An A-prop-riate Request Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,028,020 Gil 4,980 Ironwood spear icon1.png  Ironwood Spear Deliver an ironwood spear to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Spinning the Time Away Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Ironwood spinning wheel icon1.png  Ironwood Spinning Wheel Deliver an ironwood spinning wheel to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Annals of the Empire II Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,297,800 Gil 5,020 Integral magitek rod icon1.png  Integral Magitek Rod Deliver an integral magitek rod to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
An Integral Reward Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,457,380 Gil 5,040 Integral necklace of crafting icon1.png  Integral Necklace of Crafting Deliver an integral necklace of crafting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Levequest Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
To Delight a Dancer Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,355,750 Gil 4,900 High durium tathlums icon1.png  High Durium Tathlums Deliver a pair of high durium tathlums to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Archon Denied Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 935,000 Gil 4,900 High durium saw icon1.png  High Durium Saw Deliver a high durium saw to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
History of the Hrothgar Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,525,130 Gil 4,910 High durium bayonet icon1.png  High Durium Bayonet Deliver a high durium bayonet to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Archon of His Eye Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,582,910 Gil 4,920 High durium knives icon1.png  High Durium Knives Deliver a pair of high durium knives to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Records of the Republic Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,746,150 Gil 4,940 Bismuth war scythe icon1.png  Bismuth War Scythe Deliver a bismuth war scythe to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
In Pursuit of Panaloaf Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,255,600 Gil 4,960 Bismuth mortar icon1.png  Bismuth Mortar Deliver a bismuth mortar to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Mangalomania Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,083,940 Gil 2,490 Manganese ingot icon1.png  Manganese Ingot Deliver manganese ingots to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Pruned to Perfection Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Manganese garden scythe icon1.png  Manganese Garden Scythe Deliver a manganese garden scythe to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Annals of the Empire I Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 2,297,800 Gil 5,020 Chondrite magitek axe icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Axe Deliver a chrondrite magitek axe to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Plying with Precision Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,826,850 Gil 5,040 Chondrite pliers icon1.png  Chondrite Pliers Deliver a pair of chondrite pliers to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Levequest Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
The Armoire Is Open Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 935,000 Gil 4,900 High durium armguards of maiming icon1.png  High Durium Armguards of Maiming Deliver a pair of high durium armguards of maiming to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Haste for High Durium Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 High durium nugget icon1.png  High Durium Nugget Deliver high durium nuggets to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Ace of Gloves Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,051,810 Gil 4,910 High durium gauntlets of fending icon1.png  High Durium Gauntlets of Fending Delivera pair of high durium gauntlets of fending to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
The Incomplete Costume Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,582,910 Gil 4,920 High durium armor of fending icon1.png  High Durium Armor of Fending Deliver a suit of high durium armor of fending to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Armoire Aftercare Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 933,280 Gil 2,470 Bismuth ingot icon1.png  Bismuth Ingot Deliver bismuth ingots to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Once and for Alchemy Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,255,600 Gil 4,960 Bismuth alembic icon1.png  Bismuth Alembic Deliver a bismuth alembic to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Heading toward Bankruptcy Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,503,270 Gil 4,980 Manganese helm of the falling dragon icon1.png  Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon Deliver a manganese helm of the falling dragon to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
In-kweh-dible Cooking Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Manganese chocobo frypan icon1.png  Manganese Chocobo Frypan Deliver a manganese chocobo frypan to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
A Gift of Gloves Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,703,250 Gil 5,020 Chondrite gloves of casting icon1.png  Chondrite Gloves of Casting Deliver a pair of chondrite gloves of casting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Additions to the Armoire Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 2,257,300 Gil 5,040 Chondrite top of maiming icon1.png  Chondrite Top of Maiming Deliver a chondrite top of maiming to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Awarding Academic Excellence Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Ametrine icon1.png  Ametrine Deliver ametrines to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Workplace Workout Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 514,250 Gil 2,450 Ametrine ring of fending icon1.png  Ametrine Ring of Fending Deliver an ametrine ring of fending to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
The Sage's Successor Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,525,130 Gil 4,910 Pewter pendulums icon1.png  Pewter Pendulums Deliver an array of pewter pendulums to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Pewter-hewn Punishment Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 846,040 Gil 2,460 Pewter choker of slaying icon1.png  Pewter Choker of Slaying Deliver a pewter choker of slaying to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Gold Rush Order Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 933,280 Gil 2,470 Phrygian gold ingot icon1.png  Phrygian Gold Ingot Deliver Phrygian ingots to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Sage with the Golden Earrings Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,067,020 Gil 4,960 Phrygian ear cuffs of healing icon1.png  Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing Deliver a pair of Phrygian ear cuffs of healing to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
To Fight at Her Side Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 2,028,020 Gil 4,980 Manganese rapier icon1.png  Manganese Rapier Deliver a manganese rapier to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
The Needle That Binds Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Manganese needle icon1.png  Manganese Needle Deliver a manganese needle to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Planisphere to Paper Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 2,297,800 Gil 5,020 Chondrite magitek planisphere icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Planisphere Deliver a chondrite magitek planisphere to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Star Athletes Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12,y13) Experience 1,395,490 Gil 5,040 Star quartz wristband of aiming icon1.png  Star Quartz Wristband of Aiming Deliver a star quartz wristband of aiming to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Running up the Tabi Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 935,000 Gil 4,900 Gajaskin tabi icon1.png  Gajaskin Tabi Deliver a pair of gajaskin tabi to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Hell on Leather Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Gaja leather icon1.png  Gaja Leather Deliver circles of gaja leather to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Boot Legs Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,051,810 Gil 4,910 Luncheon toadskin boots of striking icon1.png  Luncheon Toadskin Boots of Striking Deliver a pair of luncheon toadskin boots of striking to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Scouting Talent Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,582,910 Gil 4,920 Luncheon toadskin jacket of scouting icon1.png  Luncheon Toadskin Jacket of Scouting Deliver a luncheon toadskin jacket of scouting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Battered Books Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 933,280 Gil 2,470 Saiga leather icon1.png  Saiga Leather Deliver circles of saiga leather to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Loyal Turncoat Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,725,980 Gil 4,960 Saigaskin coat of fending icon1.png  Saigaskin Coat of Fending Deliver a saigaskin coat of fending to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Loving Soles Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Kumbhiraskin boots of gathering icon1.png  Kumbhiraskin Boots of Gathering Deliver a pair of kumbhiraskin boots of gathering to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Grips of Fear Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,503,270 Gil 4,980 Kumbhiraskin gloves of the black griffin icon1.png  Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin Deliver a pair of kumbhiraskin gloves of the black griffin to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
For What Was Gleaned Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,457,380 Gil 5,040 Ophiotauroskin wristband of gathering icon1.png  Ophiotauroskin Wristband of Gathering Deliver an ophiotauroskin wristband of gathering to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Generous Soles Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,703,250 Gil 5,020 Ophiotauroskin boots of healing icon1.png  Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing Deliver a pair of ophiotauroskin boots of healing to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Heavy Armoire Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Dark hempen cloth icon1.png  Dark Hempen Cloth Deliver bolts of dark hempen cloth to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Helping Handwear Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 935,000 Gil 4,900 Fingerless darkhempen gloves of healing icon1.png  Fingerless Darkhempen Gloves of Healing Deliver a pair of fingerless darkhempen gloves of healing to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Hot Heads Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,051,810 Gil 4,910 Almasty serge hat of casting icon1.png  Almasty Serge Hat of Casting Deliver an almasty serge hat of casting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Color Coated Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,582,910 Gil 4,920 Almasty serge coat of healing icon1.png  Almasty Serge Coat of Healing Deliver an almasty serge coat of healing to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
A Polished Purchase Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 933,280 Gil 2,470 Snow linen icon1.png  Snow Linen Deliver bolts of snow linen to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Turban Sprawl Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,255,600 Gil 4,960 Snow linen turban of crafting icon1.png  Snow Linen Turban of Crafting Deliver a snow linen turban of crafting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Lifetime of Gleaning Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,443,780 Gil 5,000 Scarlet moko beret of gathering icon1.png  Scarlet Moko Beret of Gathering Deliver a scarlet moko beret of gathering to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Lightening Up Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,922,600 Gil 4,980 Scarlet moko gaskins of the rising dragon icon1.png  Scarlet Moko Gaskins of the Rising Dragon Deliver a pair of scarlet moko gaskins of the rising dragon to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Skill Cap Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,703,250 Gil 5,020 Ar-caean velvet cap of maiming icon1.png  AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Maiming Deliver a AR-Caean velvet cap of maiming to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
A Better Bottom Line Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,257,300 Gil 5,040 Ar-caean velvet bottoms of scouting icon1.png  AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Scouting Deliver a pair of AR-Caean velvet bottoms of scouting to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Nearly Bare Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,355,750 Gil 4,900 Gaja grimoire icon1.png  Gaja Grimoire Deliver a gaja grimoire to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Wishful Inking Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Enchanted high durium ink icon1.png  Enchanted High Durium Ink Deliver bottles of enchanted high durium ink to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Luncheon Bound Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,525,130 Gil 4,910 Luncheon toadskin codex icon1.png  Luncheon Toadskin Codex Deliver a luncheon toadskin codex to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Body over Mind Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 846,040 Gil 2,460 Grade 5 dexterity alkahest icon1.png  Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest Deliver bottles of grade 5 dexterity alkahest to Ahldiyrn. 0/9
Rebuilding to Code Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,746,150 Gil 4,940 Saigaskin codex icon1.png  Saigaskin Codex Deliver a saigaskin codex to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Liquid Competence Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,086,090 Gil 4,960 Competent craftsmans draught icon1.png  Competent Craftsman's Draught Deliver bottles of competent craftsman's draught to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Nearly There Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,028,020 Gil 4,980 Kumbhiraskin grimoire icon1.png  Kumbhiraskin Grimoire Deliver a kumbhiraskin grimoire to Ahldiyrn. 0/1
Practical Command Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,248,870 Gil 5,000 Commanding craftsmans draught icon1.png  Commanding Craftsman's Draught Deliver bottles of commanding craftsman's draught to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Mindful Study Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,494,330 Gil 5,040 Grade 5 tincture of mind icon1.png  Grade 5 Tincture of Mind Deliver grade 5 tinctures of mind to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Technically Still Magic Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,297,800 Gil 5,020 Ophiotauroskin magitek codex icon1.png  Ophiotauroskin Magitek Codex Deliver an ophiotauroskin magitek codex to Ahldiyrn. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Salt of the North Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 724,620 Gil 2,450 Northern sea salt icon1.png  Northern Sea Salt Deliver cups of northern sea salt to Ahldiyrn. 0/9
Topping Up the Pot Constancy 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 696,220 Gil 2,450 Zurek icon1.png  Zurek Deliver bowls of zurek to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Bobbing for Compliments Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 866,040 Gil 4,910 Island miqabob icon1.png  Island Miq'abob Deliver island miq'abobs to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
At Any Temperature Constancy 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,062,190 Gil 4,920 Borscht icon1.png  Borscht Deliver bowls of borscht to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
A Stickler for Carrots Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,160,960 Gil 4,960 Carrot nibbles icon1.png  Carrot Nibbles Deliver servings of carrot nibbles to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Imperial Palate Constancy 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,113,470 Gil 4,940 Glory be soup icon1.png  Glory Be Soup Deliver bowls of Glory Be soup to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Comfort Food Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,432,410 Gil 5,000 Yakow moussaka icon1.png  Yakow Moussaka Deliver servings of yakow moussaka to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
An Historical Flavor Constancy 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,471,010 Gil 4,980 Skyr icon1.png  Skyr Deliver servings of skyr to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
The Mountain Steeped Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,592,240 Gil 5,040 Tsai tou vounou icon1.png  Tsai tou Vounou Deliver cups of tsai tou vounou to Ahldiyrn. 0/3
Blast from the Pasta Constancy 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 1,595,390 Gil 5,020 The noodles of elpis icon1.png  The Noodles of Elpis Deliver bowls of the noodles of Elpis to Ahldiyrn. 0/3

Fieldcraft Leves


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
Paper Minds Piety 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,032,135 Gil 1,864 Softwood lumber icon1.png  Softwood Lumber, Exquisite softwood lumber icon1.png  Exquisite Softwood Lumber
Bug Report Benevolence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 778,071 Gil 1,774 Torn branch icon1.png  Torn Branch, Teeming branch icon1.png  Teeming Branch
A Balanced Diet Munificence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,143,288 Gil 2,044 Watercress icon1.png  Watercress
Explosive Palms Munificence 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Flammable palm oil icon1.png  Flammable Palm Oil
Don't Have a Yakow Piety 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,105,520 Gil 1,904 Thavnairian grass icon1.png  Thavnairian Grass, Verdant thavnairian grass icon1.png  Verdant Thavnairian Grass
Soup for the Stars Candor 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Fragrant spices icon1.png  Fragrant Spices
Through the Fires and Flames Benevolence 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 895,720 Gil 1,794 Scorched tree icon1.png  Scorched Tree, Nossy tree icon1.png  Mossy Tree
Beet It Piety 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,188,200 Gil 1,944 Earthy beet icon1.png  Earthy Beet, Lustering beet icon1.png  Lustering Beet
Into the Pines Candor 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,316,160 Gil 2,132 Rooting branch icon1.png  Rooting Branch
Tea Off Candor 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Cinnamon strips icon1.png  Cinnamon Strips
In Case of Emergency Benevolence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 958,930 Gil 1,812 Appetizing sago palm icon1.png  Appetizing Sago Palm, Succulent sago palm icon1.png  Succulent Sago Palm
When Size Matters Munificence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Colossal herbs icon1.png  Colossal Herbs
Poisonous Palms Benevolence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,030,127 Gil 1,828 Golden sap icon1.png  Golden Sap, Brilliant golden sap icon1.png  Brilliant Golden Sap
A Natural Style Piety 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,366,495 Gil 2,024 Fibrous plants icon1.png  Fibrous Plants, Fine fibrous plants icon1.png  Fine Fibrous Plants
Wood Envy Munificence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,513,656 Gil 2,220 Sturdy log icon1.png  Sturdy Log


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
One Man's Rock Piety 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,032,135 Gil 1,864 Eye-catching stone icon1.png  Eye-catching Stone, Dpellbinding stone icon1.png  Spellbinding Stone
Explosive Progress Munificence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,143,288 Gil 2,044 Sturdy silica icon1.png  Sturdy Silica
An Unstable Foundation Benevolence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 778,071 Gil 1,774 Bedrock sample icon1.png  Bedrock Sample, Rich bedrock sample icon1.png  Rich Bedrock Sample
To Boldly Gall Munificence 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Enchanting giantsgall icon1.png  Enchanting Giantsgall
The Gall on That Giant Piety 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,105,520 Gil 1,904 Thavnairian giantsgall icon1.png  Thavnairian Giantsgall, Shimmering thavnairian giantsgall icon1.png  Shimmering Thavnairian Giantsgall
Just in Lime Candor 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Enriching limestone icon1.png  Enriching Limestone
A Rock After My Own Heart Candor 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,316,160 Gil 2,132 Entrancing northern stone icon1.png  Entrancing Northern Stone
Training Up Piety 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,188,200 Gil 1,944 Mark xlix plating icon1.png  Mark XLIX Plating, Flawless mark xlix plating icon1.png  Flawless Mark XLIX Plating
March for Magitek Benevolence 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 895,720 Gil 1,794 Military-grade ceruleum engine component icon1.png  Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component, Undamaged military-grade ceruleum engine component icon1.png  Undamaged Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component
Sand in My Boots Munificence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Fine sand (key item) icon1.png  Fine Sand
Enriching the Soil Benevolence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 958,930 Gil 1,812 Stone powder icon1.png  Stone Powder, Glimmering stone powder icon1.png  Glimmering Stone Powder
Stone Cold Candor 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Dazzling volcanic rock icon1.png  Dazzling Volcanic Rock
Rocks of a Feather Piety 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,366,495 Gil 2,024 Captivating mineral icon1.png  Captivating Mineral, Marvelous mineral icon1.png  Marvelous Mineral
Reactionary Reactors Benevolence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,030,127 Gil 1,828 Soil sample icon1.png  Soil Sample, Rich soil sample icon1.png  Rich Soil Sample
The Final Touch Munificence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,513,656 Gil 2,220 Dark annite icon1.png  Dark Annite


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Fish for Thought Concord 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,459,716 Gil 2,210 Ponderer icon1.png  Ponderer Deliver ponderers to Wurtwyb. 0/3
Crabs for the Crabby Concord 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,459,716 Gil 2,210 Ruby-spotted crab icon1.png  Ruby-spotted Crab Deliver ruby-spotted crabs to Wurtwyb. 0/9
Fishing for the Future Concord 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,464,410 Gil 2,260 Giantsgall jaw icon1.png  Giantsgall Jaw Deliver giantsgall jaws to Wurtwyb. 0/9
Water Works Concord 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,464,410 Gil 2,260 Macrobrachium lar icon1.png  Macrobrachium Lar Deliver macrobrachium lars to Wurtwyb. 0/3
Making Waves Concord 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,702,320 Gil 2,310 Bluegill icon1.png  Bluegill Deliver bluegill to Wurtwyb. 0/3
What Would You Do for a Pickle Concord 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,702,320 Gil 2,310 Dream pickle icon1.png  Dream Pickle Deliver dream pickles to Wurtwyb. 0/9
Fungi of the Firmament Concord 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,953,920 Gil 2,360 Protomyke 987 icon1.png  Protomyke #987 Deliver protomykes #987 to Wurtwyb. 0/3
Simple as Salt Concord 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 2,953,920 Gil 2,360 Saltsquid icon1.png  Saltsquid Deliver saltsquids to Wurtwyb. 0/9
Plumbing the Past Concord 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 3,242,290 Gil 2,410 Colossoma icon1.png  Colossoma Deliver colossoma to Wurtwyb. 0/3
What's in the Air Concord 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Old Sharlayan Experience 3,242,290 Gil 2,410 Rummy-nosed tetra icon1.png  Rummy-nosed Tetra Deliver rummy-nosed tetra to Wurtwyb. 0/9

Additional Information