Sohm Al

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Revision as of 21:26, 23 June 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Template:Dungeon Infobox "Sohm Al. Casting its shadow over the Dravanian forelands, this towering peak is revered by the dragons as both holy ground and resting place. And now, in accordance with your pact, Vidofnir has thrown open to you the final ascent to the sacred mount's summit. But Nidhogg's minions will not lightly suffer this intrusion. Ere you gaze upon the fabled expanse of the Churning Mists, you must first carve a path through the mountain's denizens and overcome the consort of Nidhogg, herself─the she-dragon, Tioman." — Game Description




  • Rafflesia's little sibling. Will use some similar mechanics, including something like Rafflesia's Floral Trap - which can be avoided the same way.
  • Kill adds.
  • When Raskovnik consumes a hornet he will gain one stack of damage up. The hornet must be consumed via Devour.
  • A dinosaur-like boss who will use a room-wide shout and spawn gelatinous adds.
  • Focus down the green add as soon as it spawns.
  • Otherwise, prioritize red over blue adds. Myath will eat these adds and use an attack based on which color he consumes.
  • You can ignore the red and blue adds as well. When he consumes a blue add: spread away from the party member with a blue arrow over their head. When he consumes a red add: stack on the party member with the red arrow on their head.
  • A lot of AoEs to dodge, including some that come in tricky combinations.
  • Will cast Comet and mark players with meteor markers similar to T9, which should be dealt with the same way (place comets on outsides, run to the middle to avoid Meteor Impact damage).
  • At half health, Tioman will go to the middle, become invulnerable, and will gain health bars on both wings, both wings must be destroyed before Tioman will be vulnerable again.
  • During his invulnerable phase, he will also cast an ability named Heavensfall, which does damage after five seconds and then casts four copies of Comet around the Heavensfall target.


