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Abalathia's Spine
Gyr Abania
The Northern Empty
The Sea of Stars
The World Unsundered

Map of the Three Great Continents until Stormblood
The primary location for Final Fantasy XIV is the planet Etheirys, also referred to as The Source or Hydaelyn. The planet consists of multiple continents. A large landmass called The Three Great Continents contains Aldenard in the west, Ilsabard in the center, and Othard in the east.
The game is initially set on Eorzea, consisting of both Aldenard and Vylbrand, an island southwest of the mainland.
- Thanalan • The Black Shroud • La Noscea • Mor Dhona • Coerthas • Abalathia • Dravania • Gyr Abania • O'Ghomoro • Paglth'an • Xelphatol
Regions of Etheirys
- Main article: Thanalan
- Ul'dah • Central Thanalan • Western Thanalan • Eastern Thanalan • Southern Thanalan • Northern Thanalan
The Black Shroud
- Main article: The Black Shroud
La Noscea
- Main article: La Noscea
- Limsa Lominsa • Lower La Noscea • Middle La Noscea • Eastern La Noscea • Western La Noscea • Upper La Noscea • Outer La Noscea
Mor Dhona
- Main article: Mor Dhona
- Main article: Coerthas
Abalathia's Spine 
- Main article: Abalathia's Spine
- Main article: Dravania
Gyr Abania 
- Main article: Gyr Abania
- Main article: Othard
The Northern Empty 
- Main article: The Northern Empty
- Main article: Ilsabard
Yok Tural
- Main article: Yok Tural
Other Regions
- Main article: Norvrandt
- The Crystarium • Lakeland • Eulmore • Kholusia • Amh Araeng • Il Mheg • The Rak'tika Greatwood • The Tempest
The Sea of Stars 
- Main article: The Sea of Stars
The World Unsundered 
- Main article: The World Unsundered