Shadowbringers content

Manasilver Sand

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the crafting material. For the collectable created by patch 5.4, see Rarefied Manasilver Sand.

Manasilver Sand

Item type
Material type
Blacksmith frame icon.png 80
Armorer frame icon.png 80
Goldsmith frame icon.png 74
Alchemist frame icon.png 74
Vendor Value
Gil 7

Sand that moves almost as a liquid, consisting of tiny grains of manasilver.

— In-game description



Retainer Ventures

Mining (level 75)

Free Company Submarine Ventures:

Sector Map Rank Alias
Airship Sub icon.pngThe Southern Charnel Trench Sea of Ash 57 E
Airship Sub icon.pngThe Central Charnel Trench Sea of Ash 60 I
Airship Sub icon.pngThe Lone Glove Sea of Ash 63 M
Airship Sub icon.pngThe Kraken's Tomb Sea of Jade 70 B
Airship Sub icon.pngTangaroa's Prow Sea of Jade 74 G
Airship Sub icon.pngThe Blind Sound Sea of Jade 75 I
Airship Sub icon.pngStormport Sea of Jade 87 Q
Airship Sub icon.pngSea of Jade 6 Sea of Jade 89 S

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Enchanted manasilver ink icon1.png  Enchanted Manasilver Ink ABasic Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 74
Manasilver nugget icon1.png  Manasilver Nugget ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 74
Oddly specific rivets icon1.png  Oddly Specific Rivets ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80
Oddly specific whetstone icon1.png  Oddly Specific Whetstone ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 80
Oddly specific wire icon1.png  Oddly Specific Wire ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80