Good Intentions
Revision as of 03:06, 22 June 2015 by Sensei3456 (talk | contribs)
Main Scenario Quest
- Speak with Riol at the Rising Stones.
- Speak with Ilberd at Highbridge in Eastern Thanalan.
- Minfilia is considering which of her many responsibilities demands her utmost attention.
- As the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have grown in size and influence, so too have their responsibilities, prompting Minfilia to consider if their expansion was wise. Alphinaud, however, does not harbor such concerns, having embraced his role as commander of the Crystal Braves and guardian of Eorzea. The yound Elezen now wishes to aid the Immortal Flames in their ongoing efforts to bring stability to Ul'Dah, and he would like your assistance with his mission as well. Join him outside the Solar and listen to what Riol, his subordinate, has to say.
- Riol, who has been attempting to trace the source of some weapons wielded by disgruntled refugees, has learned of a large shipment which may be intended for the same purpose. A black marketeer in eastern Thanalan is planning to resell the weapons and reap a tidy profit - unless you and Ilbert intervene before the exchange takes place. Rendezvous with the captain of the Crystal Braves at Highbridge.
- Ilberd informs you that the black marketeer's clients have arrived. With luck, you may prevent the sale of illicit goods, seize the men who covet them, and learn their intent.