Atrophied Atomos
Revision as of 21:45, 21 June 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Accompaniment Node is a minion crafted by level 60 Alchemist. It requires Master Alchemist III and 620 Craftsmanship. The recipe has Durability 7...")
Accompaniment Node is a minion crafted by level 60 Alchemist. It requires Master Alchemist III and 620 Craftsmanship.
The recipe has Durability 70, Progress 558, Quality 8377 and requires the items: 99 Water Shard, 1 Glazenut, 2 Growth Formula Theta, 3 Dragon Blood, 3 Gelato Flesh, 3 Atomos Corpulence and 1 Dawnborne Aethersand.
- Accompaniment Node was released in patch 3.0.
Putting money where this voidsent's mouth is merely results in devoured money.