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Currency window1.png

Currency icon2.png The Currency menu displays information on all currencies in the player's possession.

Achievement Certificates

Achievement Certificate Achievement Certificates are a form of currency obtained and used at the NPC Jonathas in Old Gridania, who will reward you 1 certificate every 50 achievement points.

Allagan Tomestones

Allagan Tomestones are awarded by completing endgame Dungeons, Trials, and Raids, among other activities. They are exchanged for Endgame Gear.

They rotate regularly, and discontinued tomestones are converted to Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics as a catch-all. See the Allagan Tomestones page for more info.

Bicolor Gemstone

Bicolor Gemstone Bicolor Gemstone was introduced in Shadowbringers as the currency for the Shared FATE system. They can be used used to purchase a variety of items from Gemstone Traders.

Bozjan Cluster

Bozjan Cluster Bozjan Clusters can be used as currency in Save the Queen areas. They are exclusively earned as random drops from mobs with "4th Legion" in their name.

Cieldalaes Currencies

Seafarer's Cowrie Seafarer's Cowries and Islander's Cowrie Islander's Cowries are acquired from Island Sanctuary specific tasks. These are used to purchase unique rewards on the Unnamed Island.

Company Credits

Company Credit Company Credits are a currency passively earned by Free Companies as their members complete various activities in the game. They are spent on items and FC actions with the OIC Quartermaster of your aligned Grand Company. They can also be used at the Resident Caretaker in residential districts or the Mammet Voyager #004A in the Free Company Workshop.

Company Seals

Company seal Company Seals are a generic reference to the specific types of seals used to purchase items from your Grand Company.

Faux Leaf

Faux Leaf Faux Leaf is a currency acquired from the Faux Hollows. They can be traded to Faux Commander in Idyllshire for various items.


Gil Gil is the general-purpose everyday money of Final Fantasy XIV. The Gil cap is Gil 999,999,999 for player and each retainer.

The Hunt

Allied Seal Allied Seals are acquired from the A Realm Reborn-era The Hunt (also Blue Mage frame icon.png Blue Mage activities) and are used to purchase unique rewards.

Centurio Seal Centurio Seals are acquired from the Heavensward-era Clan Hunt and the Stormblood-era Veteran Clan Hunt and are used to purchase unique rewards.

Sack of Nuts Sack of Nuts are acquired from the Shadowbringers-era Nutsy Clan Hunt and the Endwalker-era Guildship Hunt and are used to purchase unique rewards.


MGP MGP is acquired from completing mini-games in Gold Saucer. Used to purchase rewards in Gold Saucer.


Scrips are endgame currency for Crafters and Gatherers.

They rotate with new expansions, and unlike Allagan Tomestones, Scrips convert forward at a 1:1 ratio. So there is no permanent catch-all type of scrip. See the Scrips page for more info.

Tribal Currency

Tribal currencies are earned as quest rewards from their corresponding factions.

A Realm Reborn Heavensward Stormblood Shadowbringers Endwalker
Steel Amalj'ok Steel Amalj'ok
Sylphic Goldleaf Sylphic Goldleaf
Titan Cobaltpiece Titan Cobaltpiece
Rainbowtide Psashp Rainbowtide Psashp
Ixali Oaknot Ixali Oaknot
Vanu Whitebone Vanu Whitebone
Black Copper Gil Black Copper Gil
Carved Kupo Nut Carved Kupo Nut
Kojin Sango Kojin Sango
Ananta Dreamstaff Ananta Dreamstaff
Namazu Koban Namazu Koban
Fae Fancy Fae Fancy
Qitari Compliment Qitari Compliment
Hammered Frogment Hammered Frogment
Arkasodara Pana Arkasodara Pana
Omicron Omnitoken Omicron Omnitoken
Loporrit Carat Loporrit Carat

Trophy Crystals

Trophy Crystal Trophy Crystals are acquired in PvP. They are used to purchase Endwalker-era PvP Gear and other rewards in the Wolves' Den Pier.


Venture Ventures are used to pay for Retainer Ventures. They can be purchased from Grand Company Quartermasters for 200 Company Seals each, as well as with other currencies. They are also earned as Beast Tribe Quests rewards or as a random bonus for the completion of normal levequests.

Wolf Marks

Wolf Mark Wolf Marks are acquired in PvP. They are used to purchase PvP Gear and other rewards in the Wolves' Den Pier.