Thok ast Thok (Extreme)
- See also: Thok ast Thok (Hard)
Thok ast Thok (Extreme) is a level 60 trial that requires a Full Party of 8 players. In the trial, players face Ravana, the primal worshiped by The Gnath. Thok ast Thok (Extreme) requires the players to have a minimum item level of ??.
Thok ast Thok (Extreme) is unlocked through the sidequest Thok Around the Clock. Players can received the quest by talking to Unukalhai in The Rising Stones (x??,y??). Prerequisite quests are Heavensward (Quest) and The Diabolical Bismarck.
The Lord of the Mists has fallen, but Bismarck is not the only primal to have been willed back into existence by its zealous children─Ravana, the Lord of the Hive, is risen again with ever greater savagery. Left unchecked, the Wrath of the Colony will surely seek out the Warring Triad on Azys Lla to feed upon the sleeping eikons' strength. Heed Unukalhai's warning, and slay the entity before its insatiable appetite for power unleashes destruction of cataclysmic proportions...