Acquisition Method
Botanist Harvest
Ala Mhigan Mustard Seeds |
Level 25 Eastern Thanalan (x14,y21) |
Crafting Material
Allagan Melon Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Almond Seeds |
Level 40 Eastern La Noscea (x19,y25) |
Crafting Material
Althyk Lavender Seeds |
Grand Company Quartermasters 500 Company Seals with Private Third Class rank Resident Caretaker in Residential Districts 300 Company Credits with Free Company rank 3+ |
Curious Crop Exchange
Apricot Kernels |
Dzemael Tomato ↔ Honey Lemon Prickly Pineapple ↔ Honey Lemon Prickly Pineapple ↔ Rolanberry Glazenut ↔ Sun Lemon Apricot ↔ La Noscean Leek Apricot ↔ Coerthan Tea Leaves Apricot ↔ Dzemael Tomato |
Crafting Material
Arum Bulbs |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Azeyma Rose Seeds |
Almond ↔ Dzemael Tomato Almond ↔ Prickly Pineapple Mandrake ↔ Linseed Apricot ↔ Cloudsbreath |
Crafting Material
Black Pepper Seeds |
Level 15 Central Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Crafting Material
Blood Currant Seeds |
La Noscean Orange ↔ Lowland Grapes |
Level 40 South Shroud (x21,y28) |
Crafting Material
Blood Pepper Seeds |
Glazenut Seeds ↔ Chive Seeds |
Crafting Material
Brightlily Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Broombush Seeds |
Almond ↔ Broombush Almond ↔ Halone Gerbera |
Crafting Material
Byregotia Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Campanula Seeds |
Material Supplier, Tanie, Apartment Merchant |
Carnation Seeds |
Material Supplier, Tanie, Apartment Merchant |
Chamomile Seeds |
Level 25 Upper La Noscea (x14,y25) |
Crafting Material
Chive Seeds |
La Noscean Leek Seeds ↔ Dalamud Popoto Set Dzemael Tomato Seeds ↔ Dalamud Popoto Set Dalamud Popoto Set ↔ Chive Seeds Pearl Sprout Seeds ↔ Dalamud Popoto Set |
Crafting Material
Chrysanthemum Seeds |
Material Supplier, Junkmonger, Tanie, Apartment Merchant |
Cieldalaes Pineapple Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Cloud Acorn Sapling |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Crafting Material
Cloudsbreath Seeds |
Dzemael Tomato Seeds ↔ Coerthan Tea Seeds |
Free Company Airships |
Crafting Material
Coerthan Carrot Seeds |
Level 15 Western Thanalan (x23,y20) |
Crafting Material
Coerthan Tea Seeds |
Level 55 Unspoiled Coerthas Western Highlands (x31,y20) 10:00AM/PM |
Crafting Material
Cosmos Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Curiel Root Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Chamomile |
Companion Chocobo training
Dahlia Bulbs |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Daisy Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Dalamud Popoto Set |
Millioncorn ← Krakka Root |
Crafting Material
Doman Plum Pits |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Dzemael Tomato Seeds |
Level 50 Unspoiled Eastern La Noscea (x18,y26) 1:00PM |
Crafting Material
Earthlight Seeds |
Level 15 Lower La Noscea (x25,y25) |
Eggplant Knight Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Star Anise Wizard Eggplant ↔ Mandrake |
Faerie Apple Seeds |
Level 20 East Shroud (x15,y27) |
Crafting Material
Firelight Seeds |
Level 15 Middle La Noscea (x22.6,y18.3 ) |
Garlic Cloves |
Level 15 Western Thanalan (x23,y23) |
Crafting Material
Garlic Jester Seeds |
Garlic Clove ↔ Mandrake |
Glazenut Seeds |
Apricot ↔ Royal Kukuru Apricot ↔ Dzemael Tomato Glazenut ↔ Apricot |
Crafting Material
Gysahl Greens Seeds |
Paprika ↔ Krakka Root |
Summoning your Companion Chocobo
Halone Gerbera Seeds |
Azeyma Rose ↔ Chamomile Linseed ↔ Mandrake |
Crafting Material
Han Lemon Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Honey Lemon Seeds |
Prickly Pineapple ↔ Chamomile Prickly Pineapple ↔ Faerie Apple Prickly Pineapple ↔ Sun Lemon Rolanberry ↔ Mirror Apple |
Level 50 Unspoiled Eastern La Noscea (x26,y32) 5:00AM |
Crafting Material
Hyacinth Bulbs |
Material Supplier, Apartment Merchant, Tanie |
Hydrangea Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Icelight Seeds |
Level 20 Western La Noscea (x31,y29) |
Jute Seeds |
Almond ↔ Star Anise Almond ↔ Halone Gerbera Azeyma Rose ↔ Broombush Azeyma Rose ↔ Halone Gerbera Jute ↔ Mandrake |
Crafting Material
Krakka Root Seeds |
Purchased from Material Supplier in Mist, The Goblet and Lavender Beds |
Companion Chocobo training
La Noscean Leek Seeds |
Dzemael Tomato ↔ Popoto Dzemael Tomato ↔ Prickly Pineapple Dzemael Tomato ↔ Apricot |
Crafting Material
La Noscean Lettuce Seeds |
Level 15 Middle La Noscea (x22,y19) |
Crafting Material
La Noscean Orange Seeds |
Level 10 Lower La Noscea (x32,y16) |
Crafting Material
Lavender Seeds |
Level 15 Central Shroud (x21,y23) |
Crafting Material
Levinlight Seeds |
Level 15 Central Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Lily of the Valley Pips |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Linseed |
Chamomile ↔ Lavender Rolanberry ↔ Ala Mhigan Mustard |
Level 31 South Shroud (x16,y27) |
Crafting Material
Lowland Grape Seeds |
Level 15 Lower La Noscea (x26,y22) |
Crafting Material
Mamook Pear Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Mandragora Queen Seeds |
Mandrake ↔ Nymeia Lily |
Mandrake Seeds |
Chamomile ↔ Prickly Pineapple |
Level 35 Eastern La Noscea (x26,y29) |
Crafting Material
Midland Basil Seeds |
Lavender ↔ Linseed |
Level 35 Eastern La Noscea (x26,y29) |
Crafting Material
Midland Cabbage Seeds |
Dzemael Tomato ↔ Apricot |
Level 30 North Shroud (x22,y26) |
Crafting Material
Millioncorn Seeds |
Level 25 Eastern Thanalan (x14,y20) |
Crafting Material
Mimett Gourd Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Azeyma Rose Krakka Root ↔ Midland Cabbage Krakka Root ↔ Prickly Pineapple |
Companion Chocobo training
Mirror Apple Seeds |
Level 45 Coerthas Central Highlands (x22,y18) |
Crafting Material
Morning Glory Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Moth Orchid Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Nymeia Lily Seeds |
Almond ↔ Mandrake |
Crafting Material
O'Ghomoro Berry Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Old World Fig Seeds |
Level 55 Unspoiled The Dravanian Forelands (x26,12) 2:00AM/PM |
Crafting Material
Oldrose Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Olive Seeds |
Level 15 Lower La Noscea (x26,y22) |
Crafting Material
Onion Prince Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Mandrake |
Pahsana Fruit Seeds |
Linseed ↔ Krakka Root |
Crafting Material
Paprika Seeds |
Level 20 Western La Noscea (x32,y29) |
Crafting Material
Pearl Ginger Root |
Level 25 Eastern Thanalan (x14,y20) |
Crafting Material
Pearl Roselle Seeds |
Mandrake ↔ Eggplant Knight |
Crafting Material
Pearl Sprout Seeds |
Level 55 Unspoiled Coerthas Western Highlands (x31,y20) 10:00AM/PM |
Crafting Material
Pixie Plum Seeds |
Chamomile ↔ Lowland Grapes |
Level 25 Upper La Noscea (x14,y25) |
Crafting Material
Popoto Set |
Level 20 Eastern Thanalan (x16,y27) |
Crafting Material
Prickly Pineapple Seeds |
Level 50 Unspoiled Eastern La Noscea (x30,y26) 9:00AM |
Crafting Material
Rolanberry Seeds |
Mirror Apple ↔ Midland Cabbage |
Level 45 Upper La Noscea (x34,y24) |
Crafting Material
Royal Fern Sori |
Old World Fig Seeds ↔ Blood Pepper Seeds |
Crafting Material
Royal Kukuru Seeds |
Apricot ↔ Honey Lemon |
Crafting Material
Shroud Cherry Sapling |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Shroud Tea Seeds |
Almond ↔ Linseed Prickly Pineapple ↔ Star Anise |
Crafting Material
Star Anise Seeds |
Azeyma Rose ↔ Mandrake |
Crafting Material
Sun Lemon Seeds |
Level 20 Lower La Noscea (x35,y16) |
Crafting Material
Sweet Pea Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Sylkis Bud Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Dzemael Tomato Krakka Root ↔ Almond Krakka Root ↔ La Noscean Leek Krakka Root ↔ Shroud Tea |
Companion Chocobo training
Tantalplant Seeds |
Krakka Root ↔ Wizard Eggplant |
Companion Chocobo training
Thavnairian Onion Seeds |
Sylkis Bud ↔ Broombush |
Leveling Companion Chocobo past level 10
Tomato King Seeds |
Dzemael Tomato ↔ Mandrake Krakka Root ↔ Broombush |
Triteleia Seeds |
Material Supplier, Tanie, Apartment Merchant |
Tulip Bulbs |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Umbrella Fig Seeds |
Prickly Pineapple ↔ Dzemael Tomato Prickly Pineapple ↔ Royal Kukuru |
Crafting Material
Valfruit Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color
Viola Seeds |
Purchased from a Material Supplier or Apartment Merchant in Residential Districts |
Voidrake Seeds |
Grand Company Quartermasters 500 Company Seals with Private Third Class rank Resident Caretaker in Residential Districts 300 Company Credits with Free Company rank 3+ |
Curious Crop Exchange
Waterlight Seeds |
Level 15 Western Thanalan (x23,y19) |
Wild Onion Set |
Level 15 Western Thanalan (x23,y23) |
Crafting Material
Windlight Seeds |
Level 15 Central Shroud (x23,y24) |
Wizard Eggplant Seeds |
Level 30 North Shroud (x22,y26) |
Crafting Material
Xelphatol Apple Seeds |
Hunt Billmaster |
Changing Companion Chocobo color