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Glamour Plate

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Glamour Plate

Any class frame icon.png Any

Quest Req.
Feature quest If I Had a Glamour

No description available.

— In-game description

Glamour Plate is an action unlocked by questing at level 15. It is available for any class or job.

Related actions

Additional Information

Main article: Glamour Dressers

After converting items into glamours, your favorite ensembles can be saved as glamour plates. Some gear in the armoire can also be added to glamour plates. You may save up to 20[1] glamour plates. All of the glamours saved to a plate can be applied simultaneously to your current equipment. This does not require additional glamour prisms.

Glamour dressers6.png

Saving and Editing Glamour Plates

1. Go to an inn room and access the glamour dresser.
2. Select "Edit Glamour Plates" followed by a plate.
3. Select a category (head, body, etc.) followed by a glamour stored in the dresser or an item stored in the armoire.

Glamour dressers7.png

4. Select "Save."

Once a glamour or armoire item has been assigned to a glamour plate, it can be dyed.
* The dye will only be applied when changes to the glamour plate are saved. Removing the glamour or armoire item from the plate also removes the dye.

Applying Glamour Plates

The following methods can be used to apply the glamours saved to a plate:

  • From the glamour dresser, save the glamour plate and select "Apply."
  • From the Character menu, select "Glamour Plate" followed by "Apply."
  • From the General Actions menu, select "Glamour Plate" followed by "Apply."
  • A text command is also available.

Glamour plates could originally only be applied while in large settlements such as Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, Ul'dah, Ishgard, and Kugane, the Gold Saucer, residential districts, inns, or the Ivory Chapel. Patch 6.1 updated this to any Rested bonus icon1.pngSanctuary area.

* A character must be able to equip all items included in the glamour plate for it to be applied.
* Using a glamour plate to apply a glamour to gear will overwrite any existing glamours, including those applied with the Cast Glamour action.


  1. Initially 10. Patch 5.0 increased the limit to 15, and patch 6.1 raised it again to 20.