Chalcopyrite Coblyn

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Chalcopyrite Coblyn is a Coblyn found in Copperbell Mines (Hard).


  • Shatter - Under the influence of the lesser moon Dalamud, Nael van Darnus, legatus of the VIIth Legion, sought out and unearthed Allagan ruins in the eastern lowlands of Coerthas. Aided by the knowledge contained therein, he raised the very earth unto the heavens, and from this lofty perch did the White Raven nearly orchestrate the destruction of Eorzea.

The remnants of that mad plan still litter the frozen lowlands, as well as other ancient artifacts now laid bare. Though the powers that be are in agreement that Nael's data must be secured, they remain divided on the subject of how best to administer the region, which has prompted them to invoke the same laws which transformed Carteneau and Seal Rock into a battlefield. Where words fail, weapons speak.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
Copperbell Mines (Hard) Unknown 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information