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Fishing for Friendship

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Feature Quest icon.png

Fishing for Friendship

Fishing for Friendship.png
Quest giver
Linu Vali
The Sea of Clouds (X:6.6, Y:14.3)
Quest line
Vanu Vanu Main Quests
Trusted Reputation maxed
Experience 22,815-32,292
Gil 814
Previous quest
Feature QuestIn the Skycage over the Sea
Next quest
Feature QuestSundrop the Beat

Linu Vali is cooking up a plan to improve relations with the Zundu.

※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.

— In-game description




After getting the quest, go to the location and find the rock salt on the balcony at the top of the structure. Take it to Linu Vanu. Next, head to Voor Sian Siran, and kill the cloudworm to save Linu Vali. Talk to her, then return to Ok' Gundu Nakki to complet the quest and collect the reward.



  • Linu Vali is cooking up a plan to improve relations with the Zundu.
    • ※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.
  • The relations between the Zundu and Gundu have been strained ever since Linu Vanu's remarks at Ok' Zundu. However, Linu Vali has a plan to invite the Zundu to Ok' Gundu Nakki for a feast, an important gesture of friendship in Vanu Vanu culture. Her responsibility is to prepare fish for the main dish, but she requires a rare seasoning, Abalathian rock salt, which is possessed solely by the Vundu. She will head to Voor Sian Siran with her fishing pole, and she asks you to steal into Ok' Vundu Vana and procure a chunk of the salt from the Vundu stores.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
  • After searching the Vundu village, you find their stores of Abalathian rock salt and pick the purest looking chunk you can find. Return to Ok' Gundu Nakki and give the salt to Linu Vanu.
  • You hand over the Abalathian rock salt to Linu Vanu, who is confused as to why his sister asked you to deliver it to him. It seems Linu Vali has neglected to tell her brother of her plans for the feast. Linu Vanu is impressed at her initiative, but regrets that she must go to so much trouble on his account. He thanks you for standing by his sister's side during these troubled times, and even though he knows she has grown, he still worries for her safety, asking you to go check on her at Voor Sian Siran. Journey to the islands and see if the novice cloudfisher has caught anything.
  • You arrive to see Linu Vali cowering before a hungry-looking cloudworm, and slay the beast before it makes a meal of the Vanu. Check on Linu Vali's safety.
  • Linu Vali thanks you for saving her yet again. In her concentration she lost sight of her surroundings, allowing the beast to sneak up on her. However, it seems she was able to catch a fish suitable for the feast, and hurries off to Ok' Gundu Nakki to begin preparation.
  • The feast is a rousing success, with Vanu Vanu of both tribes coming closer through the exchange of quips and stories. The progress of Ok' Gundu Nakki is continuing apace, but the question still remains as to how long this peace can last.