Sirensong Sea

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Name Rank Alias Unlocked via Experience Items
Mastbound's Bounty 90 A The Devil's Crypt 1,751,567 Sintered whetstone icon1.png  Sintered Whetstone, Sideritis leaves icon1.png  Sideritis Leaves, Coconut icon1.png  Coconut, Palm syrup icon1.png  Palm Syrup
Sirensong Sea 1 90 B Mastbound's Bounty 1,751,567 Pelagic clay icon1.png  Pelagic Clay, Damaged icebox icon1.png  Damaged Icebox, Giant popoto icon1.png  Giant Popoto, Sykon icon1.png  Sykon, Alien onion icon1.png  Alien Onion
Sirensong Sea 2 90 C Mastbound's Bounty 1,751,567 Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Silver dasher icon2.png  Silver Dasher, Chloroschist icon1.png  Chloroschist, Pewter ore icon1.png  Pewter Ore, Annite icon1.png  Annite, Driftseeds icon1.png  Driftseeds
Anthemoessa 91 D Sirensong Sea 2 1,926,724 Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Gemseekers pack icon1.png  Gemseeker's Pack, Ironwood log icon1.png  Ironwood Log, Horse chestnut log icon1.png  Horse Chestnut Log, Integral log icon1.png  Integral Log, The faces we wear - classic spectacles icon1.png  The Faces We Wear - Classic Spectacles
Magos Trench 92 E Sirensong Sea 1 2,119,397 Parkside tree icon1.png  Parkside Tree, Benben stone icon2.png  Benben Stone, Raw ametrine icon1.png  Raw Ametrine, Raw star quartz icon1.png  Raw Star Quartz, Raw blue zircon icon1.png  Raw Blue Zircon, Deep-sea marble icon1.png  Deep-sea Marble
Thrall's Unrest 93 F Sirensong Sea 1 2,331,337 Cerulean crystal boule icon1.png  Cerulean Crystal Boule, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Plum paper parasol icon1.png  Plum Paper Parasol, Damaged icebox icon1.png  Damaged Icebox, Dark rye icon1.png  Dark Rye, Scarlet moko grass icon1.png  Scarlet Moko Grass, Ironwood log icon1.png  Ironwood Log, Ar-caean cotton icon1.png  AR-Caean Cotton Boll, Blue blossom parasol icon1.png  Blue Blossom Parasol
Crow's Drop 95 G Sirensong Sea 2 2,820,919 Bismuth ore icon1.png  Bismuth Ore, Manganese ore icon1.png  Manganese Ore, Phrygian gold ore icon1.png  Phrygian Gold Ore, Basaltic clay icon1.png  Basaltic Clay
Sirensong Sea 3 95 H Anthemoessa 3,074,802 Sharksucker-class insubmersible icon2.png  Sharksucker-class Insubmersible, By design orchestrion roll icon1.png  By Design Orchestrion Roll, Sideritis leaves icon1.png  Sideritis Leaves, Coconut icon1.png  Coconut, Palm syrup icon1.png  Palm Syrup, Weatherproof cloth icon1.png  Weatherproof Cloth
The Anthemoessa Undertow 96 I Sirensong Sea 3 3,074,802 Aurelia polyp icon2.png  Aurelia Polyp, Bismuth ore icon1.png  Bismuth Ore, Manganese ore icon1.png  Manganese Ore, Phrygian gold ore icon1.png  Phrygian Gold Ore
Sirensong Sea 4 97 J Thrall's Unrest 3,351,535 Golden crystal boule icon1.png  Golden Crystal Boule, Raw ametrine icon1.png  Raw Ametrine, Raw star quartz icon1.png  Raw Star Quartz, Raw blue zircon icon1.png  Raw Blue Zircon, Deep-sea marble icon1.png  Deep-sea Marble, Weathered pipe icon1.png  Weathered Pipe
Seafoam Tide 98 K Sirensong Sea 4 3,653,174 Syldrion-class insubmersible icon2.png  Syldrion-class Insubmersible, Damaged icebox icon1.png  Damaged Icebox, Giant popoto icon1.png  Giant Popoto, Sykon icon1.png  Sykon, Alien onion icon1.png  Alien Onion, Flagstone steps icon1.png  Flagstone Steps
The Beak 99 L Sirensong Sea 4 3,981,960 Ironwood log icon1.png  Ironwood Log, Horse chestnut log icon1.png  Horse Chestnut Log, Integral log icon1.png  Integral Log, Basaltic clay icon1.png  Basaltic Clay, Driftseeds icon1.png  Driftseeds, Flagstone loft icon1.png  Flagstone Loft
Seafarer's End 100 M Sirensong Sea 3 4,340,337 Undersea spoils icon1.png  Undersea Spoils, Chloroschist icon1.png  Chloroschist, Pewter ore icon1.png  Pewter Ore, Annite icon1.png  Annite, Damaged highland turret icon1.png  Damaged Highland Turret, The faces we wear - classic spectacles icon1.png  The Faces We Wear - Classic Spectacles
Drifter's Decay 101 N The Anthemoessa Undertow 4,687,564 Ironwood log icon1.png  Ironwood Log, Horse chestnut log icon1.png  Horse Chestnut Log, Integral log icon1.png  Integral Log, Blue blossom parasol icon1.png  Blue Blossom Parasol, White granite icon1.png  White Granite, Charcoal iron icon1.png  Charcoal Iron, The faces we wear - classic spectacles icon1.png  The Faces We Wear - Classic Spectacles
Lugat's Landing 101 O Seafoam Tide 4,687,564 Sykon icon1.png  Sykon, Sideritis leaves icon1.png  Sideritis Leaves, Coconut icon1.png  Coconut, Palm syrup icon1.png  Palm Syrup, Weatherproof cloth icon1.png  Weatherproof Cloth, Weathered pipe icon1.png  Weathered Pipe, Classical water jug icon1.png  Classical Water Jug
The Frozen Spring 102 P The Beak 5,062,570 Raw zircon icon1.png  Raw Zircon, Raw ametrine icon1.png  Raw Ametrine, Raw star quartz icon1.png  Raw Star Quartz, Raw blue zircon icon1.png  Raw Blue Zircon, Flagstone steps icon1.png  Flagstone Steps, Wall-climbing ivy icon1.png  Wall-climbing Ivy, Timeworn thaumaturgic instruments icon1.png  Timeworn Thaumaturgic Instruments
Sirensong Sea 5 103 Q Drifter's Decay 5,467,576 Bismuth ore icon1.png  Bismuth Ore, Manganese ore icon1.png  Manganese Ore, Phrygian gold ore icon1.png  Phrygian Gold Ore, Flagstone loft icon1.png  Flagstone Loft, Damaged highland turret icon1.png  Damaged Highland Turret, Ominous plating icon1.png  Ominous Plating
Tidewind Isle 104 R Lugat's Landing 5,904,983 Damaged icebox icon1.png  Damaged Icebox, Dark rye icon1.png  Dark Rye, Scarlet moko grass icon1.png  Scarlet Moko Grass, Ar-caean cotton icon1.png  AR-Caean Cotton Boll, Deep-sea marble icon1.png  Deep-sea Marble, Enigmatic gear icon1.png  Enigmatic Gear
The Crystal Font 105 T The Frozen Spring 6,377,382 Ancient bone icon1.png  Ancient Bone, Giant popoto icon1.png  Giant Popoto, Sykon icon1.png  Sykon, Alien onion icon1.png  Alien Onion, Basaltic clay icon1.png  Basaltic Clay, Dreams aloft orchestrion roll icon1.png  Dreams Aloft Orchestrion Roll
Bloodbreak 105 S Lugat's Landing 6,377,382 Portrait of gestahl icon1.png  Portrait of Gestahl, By design orchestrion roll icon1.png  By Design Orchestrion Roll, Chloroschist icon1.png  Chloroschist, Pewter ore icon1.png  Pewter Ore, Annite icon1.png  Annite, Suzusaurus icon2.png  Suzusaurus