Tradecraft and Fieldcraft Fiend Gear

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Revision as of 08:07, 20 January 2023 by Dr Agon (talk | contribs) (Dr Agon moved page Fiend's Armor to Tradecraft and Fieldcraft Fiend Gear)
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See also: Level 80 Gear Guide and Fiend's Tools

White Scrip Exchange
Specific sets for each class
Armor only; no accessories.



Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Boltfiend's Boots Boltfiends boots icon1.png 80 440 WVR Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Boltfiend's Fingerstalls Boltfiends fingerstalls icon1.png 80 440 WVR Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Boltfiend's Slacks Boltfiends slacks icon1.png 80 440 WVR Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Boltfiend's Swallowtail Boltfiends swallowtail icon1.png 80 440 WVR Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Boltfiend's Top Hat Boltfiends top hat icon1.png 80 440 WVR Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Cauldronfiend's Coat Cauldronfiends coat icon1.png 80 440 ALC Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Cauldronfiend's Gloves Cauldronfiends gloves icon1.png 80 440 ALC Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Cauldronfiend's Kecks Cauldronfiends kecks icon1.png 80 440 ALC Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Cauldronfiend's Shoes Cauldronfiends shoes icon1.png 80 440 ALC Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Cauldronfiend's Spectacles Cauldronfiends spectacles icon1.png 80 440 ALC Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Forgefiend's Apron Forgefiends apron icon1.png 80 440 BSM Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Forgefiend's Goggles Forgefiends goggles icon1.png 80 440 BSM Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Forgefiend's Leggings Forgefiends leggings icon1.png 80 440 BSM Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Forgefiend's Trousers Forgefiends trousers icon1.png 80 440 BSM Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Forgefiend's Work Gloves Forgefiends work gloves icon1.png 80 440 BSM Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Galleyfiend's Apron Galleyfiends apron icon1.png 80 440 CUL Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Galleyfiend's Mittens Galleyfiends mittens icon1.png 80 440 CUL Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Galleyfiend's Pattens Galleyfiends pattens icon1.png 80 440 CUL Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Galleyfiend's Toque Galleyfiends toque icon1.png 80 440 CUL Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Galleyfiend's Trousers Galleyfiends trousers icon1.png 80 440 CUL Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Gemfiend's Boots Gemfiends boots icon1.png 80 440 GSM Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Gemfiend's Monocle Gemfiends monocle icon1.png 80 440 GSM Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Gemfiend's Shortgloves Gemfiends shortgloves icon1.png 80 440 GSM Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Gemfiend's Trousers Gemfiends trousers icon1.png 80 440 GSM Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Gemfiend's Vest Gemfiends vest icon1.png 80 440 GSM Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Hammerfiend's Apron Hammerfiends apron icon1.png 80 440 ARM Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Hammerfiend's Trousers Hammerfiends trousers icon1.png 80 440 ARM Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Hammerfiend's Visor Hammerfiends visor icon1.png 80 440 ARM Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Hammerfiend's Work Gloves Hammerfiends work gloves icon1.png 80 440 ARM Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Hammerfiend's Workboots Hammerfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 ARM Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Hidefiend's Armlets Hidefiends armlets icon1.png 80 440 LTW Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Hidefiend's Cap Hidefiends cap icon1.png 80 440 LTW Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Hidefiend's Jacket Hidefiends jacket icon1.png 80 440 LTW Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Hidefiend's Kecks Hidefiends kecks icon1.png 80 440 LTW Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Hidefiend's Thighboots Hidefiends thighboots icon1.png 80 440 LTW Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Millfiend's Apron Millfiends apron icon1.png 80 440 CRP Body 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +589 Control +224 CP +5 
Millfiend's Cap Millfiends cap icon1.png 80 440 CRP Head 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Millfiend's Halfgloves Millfiends halfgloves icon1.png 80 440 CRP Hands 166 332 0 Control +224 CP +8 
Millfiend's Kecks Millfiends kecks icon1.png 80 440 CRP Legs 223 446 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 
Millfiend's Workboots Millfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 CRP Feet 166 332 0 Craftsmanship +39 Control +224 


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Minefiend's Helmet Minefiends helmet icon1.png 80 440 MIN Head 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Perception +371 
Minefiend's Slops Minefiends slops icon1.png 80 440 MIN Legs 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +185 Perception +93 GP +6 
Minefiend's Work Gloves Minefiends work gloves icon1.png 80 440 MIN Hands 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +278 GP +6 
Minefiend's Work Shirt Minefiends work shirt icon1.png 80 440 MIN Body 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +371 Perception +185 GP +6 
Minefiend's Workboots Minefiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 MIN Feet 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +19 Perception +204 
Fieldfiend's Halfgloves Fieldfiends halfgloves icon1.png 80 440 BTN Hands 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +278 GP +6 
Fieldfiend's Hat Fieldfiends hat icon1.png 80 440 BTN Head 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Perception +371 
Fieldfiend's Shirt Fieldfiends shirt icon1.png 80 440 BTN Body 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +371 Perception +185 GP +6 
Fieldfiend's Slops Fieldfiends slops icon1.png 80 440 BTN Legs 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +185 Perception +93 GP +6 
Fieldfiend's Workboots Fieldfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 BTN Feet 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +19 Perception +204 
Tacklefiend's Hat Tacklefiends hat icon1.png 80 440 FSH Head 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Perception +371 
Tacklefiend's Jacket Tacklefiends jacket icon1.png 80 440 FSH Body 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +371 Perception +185 GP +6 
Tacklefiend's Slops Tacklefiends slops icon1.png 80 440 FSH Legs 223 446 0 Vitality +57 Gathering +185 Perception +93 GP +6 
Tacklefiend's Work Gloves Tacklefiends work gloves icon1.png 80 440 FSH Hands 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +278 GP +6 
Tacklefiend's Workboots Tacklefiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 FSH Feet 166 332 0 Vitality +36 Gathering +19 Perception +204