Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost
Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost
- Quest giver
- G'raha Tia
- Location
- Ultima Thule (X:25.1, Y:8.8)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
Where Kn∞wledge Leads
- Next quest
┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••
Combat Evolved
Learn to Love
- Patch
- 6.0
“G'raha Tia regards his comrades in solemn silence.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
The title seems to read "Victory, We Lost". There seems to have been a word intended after "Victory" but it is completely obliterated. There is perhaps some relation with the jibberish in the title of the Omega: Beyond the Rift Quest Goodbye, ε̆│̆│Δ.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Pass through the portal and wait for your comrades at the designated location.
- Continue waiting for your comrades.
- Speak with G'raha Tia.
- Search the area for denizens.
- Search the area for denizens.
- Speak with G'raha Tia.
- Gather information at Base Omicron. 0/3
- Speak with G'raha Tia.
- G'raha Tia regards his comrades in solemn silence.