The Hourglass
Revision as of 07:01, 18 December 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
“The Hourglass is the foremost inn on the Merchant Strip. Situated next to a busy thoroughfare and boasting the best in service, it serves as a home-away-from-home to countless repeat customers who would never dream of staying anywhere else in Ul'dah.
— In-game description
The Hourglass is an area in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald, Thanalan.
The Quicksand
From traveling merchants to pilgrims, this tavern within the Hourglass bustles with all manner of clientele. One may also reliably see adventurers aplenty, as the place is also home to their guild.
Additional Information
The Hourglass is operated by the Mirage Trust, Teledji Adeledji's company. Teledji is a Syndicate member.