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See also: Companions
Chocobo caravan1.jpg

In A Realm Reborn, Chocobo serves not only as a form of transportation, but also as a companion that will fight alongside you.

Chocobo Mount

Main article: Mounts

To obtain your chocobo mount, you must be level 20 or higher and progressed through the main story enough that you have joined a Grand Company. You need to purchase a Chocobo Issuance from your Grand Company Quartermaster for 2000 Company Seals.

Players can summon their mounts by dragging and activating the mount icon from their Action and Traits Menu.

Chocobo Companion

Main article: Companions

Companions are pets that will fight alongside you. Players will not only be able to level up his or her Chocobo companion but also customize their looks and abilities. Players can specialize their personal Chocobos into tanks, healers or damage dealers by allocating their skill points into the Defender, Attacker or Healer skill trees.

Chocobo Racing

Chocobo Raising

Chocobo Colors

Chocobo Barding

Chocobo Bardings are customization items that can change the look of your chocobo. They do not give speed or stat bonuses.

Chocobo Porter


Known for their masks modeled after the ever faithful chocobo, Chocobokeeps can be found at outposts across Eorzea offering adventurers use of their chocobo porter service.

Mounted on one of their specially bred chocobo, travel switfly and safely to one of several nearby stables. These chocobo have been trained to travel specific routes to their destinations, so relax, enjoy the view, and let these trustworthy taxis handle the rest.


Despite the emergence of airships, chocobos have retained their place as a traveler's best friend. Be it as bearers of a merchant’s wares, steeds for battle-bound soldiers, or an adventurer's means of locomotion, the long-legged avian creatures are still very much a common sight.

These flightless birds have sturdy legs with which to swiftly bear you across great distances.