The Company You Keep (Twin Adder)

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Mainscenarioquest.pngMain Scenario Quest Template:Quest




  • Speak with the personnel officer at the Adders' Nest.
  • Head southeast of Nine Ivies and determine the fate of the airship and its crew.
  • Speak with the personnel officer at the Adders' Nest.


  • The Twin Adder recruitment officer seems eager to welcome you to Gridania's Grand Companu.
  • You have stated your desire to be accepted into the ranks of the Order of the Twin Adder. Visit the Adders' Nest in Gridania, and speak with the personnel officer to be officially inducted into the Grand Company.
  • Your official induction into the Order of the Twin Adder is interrupted by an urgent report concerning an imperial attack on a Highwind Skyways airship. Head to the area southeast of Nine Ivies and determine the fate of the crippled vessel and its crew.
  • You have defeated the imperial soldiers intent on requisitioning the downed airship. You learn that the vessel's crew, Biggs and Wedge, are engineers from Garlond Ironworks, and that Master Garlond himself has been missing since the Calamity. Return to the Adders' Nest and report to the personnel officer.
  • The personnel officer assures you that the two engineers made it safely home. After praising you for your efforts, he seems eager to welcome you into the Order of the Twin Adder's ranks. Speak with the officer once more to complete your official induction.