Chasing Ivy

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Chasing Ivy

Quest giver
New Gridania (X:10, Y:11)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era
Experience 2,340
Gil 658
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestTendrils of Intrigue
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Flagrante Delicto

Ilberd is convinced that he has discovered the Ivy's identity and is preparing to move against the Garlean spy.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:





  • Ilberd is convinced that he has discovered the Ivy's identity and is preparing to move against the Garlean spy.
  • Ilberd reveals that the Ivy is none other than Flame Marshal Eline Roaille, Raubahn's second-in-command. He believes that she has come to Gridania with treachery in mind, and means to catch her in the act. Join him in watching her every move.
  • Eline Roaille appears to be bound for the Blue Badger Gate. Continue to shadow the suspect.
  • Eline Roaille has entered the Carline Canopy, and Ilberd bids you look for her within. If she is not on the upper level, take your search to the landing area below and speak with Crystal Brave Ephemie.
  • Ephemie is certain that Eline Roaille has not boarded an airship. Make your way back outside the Carline Canopy, and report her mysterious disappearance to Ilberd.
  • Ilberd believes that Eline Roaille may have availed herself of a room at the Roost to throw pursuers off her trail. Just when it seems as though your quarry has eluded you, a shinobi of Doma appears with word that Eline Roaille has left Gridania by way of Westshore Pier. Your hunt will next take you to the East Shroud.