Axe in the Stone
Revision as of 21:47, 28 January 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngMarauder Class Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Wyrnzoen - Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11, y6) | Requirements = Level 5 [[Maraude...")
Marauder Class Quest
- Speak with Broenbhar.
- Speak with Rhotgeim.
- Use Heavy Swing to destroy the solid rocks.
- Speak with Rhotgeim.
- Use Skull Sunder to destroy the solid rocks.
- Speak with Rhotgeim.
- Report to Axemaster Wyrnzoen at the Marauders' Guild.
- Speak with Solkwyb.
- Investigate the megalocrab nest in lower La Noscea.
- Rescue Sighard.
- Report to Axemaster Wyrnzoen at the Marauders' Guild.
- Axemaster Wyrnzoen wishes you to experience a traditional marauder training method.
- Wyrnzoen has instructed you to speak with a fellow marauder to learn the nature of the training you are to undertake. Find Broenbhar in the practice area downstairs.
- Broenbhar explains that marauders develop strength and precision by splitting rocks with their axes. To try your hand at this traditional training method, head out to the Rogue River in middle La Noscea and speak with Rhotgeim.
- Rhotgeim bids you shatter the stones she has prepared. Destroy the solid rocks on the bank of the river using the Heavy Swing technique.
- You have shattered three solid rocks. Report to the waiting Rhotgeim.
- Rhotgeim bids you shatter yet more rocks. Destroy the solid rocks on the bank of the river with your Skull Sunder ability.
- You have sundered three solid rocks. Report to the waiting Rhotgeim.
- Rhotgeim seems pleased with your rock-shattering ability. Return to the Marauders' Guild and report to Axemaster Wyrnzoen.
- Upon returning to the guild, you learn that Axemaster Wyrnzoen has assigned you to respond to an urgent request from the Red Rooster Stead─a duty that involves slaying murderous megalocrabs. Solkwyb, a veteran conjurer, will aid you in this task. Seek her out within the guild before you depart for lower La Noscea.
- You speak with the conjurer, Solkwyb, and learn more of the duty that lies ahead. Meet her at the megalocrab nest near the Mourning Widow in lower La Noscea.
- As you are searching through the megalocrab nest, you are approached by a desperate old man by the name of Neddard. Rush to the aid of his grandson, Sighard, before the boy is slain by the rampaging crustaceans.
- You have slain the megalocrabs and rescued Neddard's grandson from a grisly fate. After thanking you for saving him, Sighard pleads with you to avenge his parents by slaying the fearsome creature responsible for their deaths. Return to the Marauders' Guild and report the situation to Axemaster Wyrnzoen.
- You report the outcome of your duty to Axemaster Wyrnzoen. The veteran marauder, however, already appears to have knowledge of the creature that slew Sighard's parents. He commends your desire to seek vengeance on the boy's behalf, but warns that you are currently no match for this territorial monstrosity. Nurture your rage and hone your skills before attempting to grant Sighard's fervent wish.