- Zone
- The Dravanian Hinterlands (21.8,18.9)
Backrix is a Goblin in The Dravanian Hinterlands.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
One Step Behind | ![]() |
60 | Backrix |
A Gob in the Machine | ![]() |
60 | Backrix |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Disarmed | ![]() |
60 | Slowfix |
Rearmed | ![]() |
60 | Roundrox |
Toppling the Tyrant | ![]() |
60 | Mide |
Of Endings and Beginnings | ![]() |
60 | Biggs |
Additional Information
During the Alexander raid series, Backrix becomes a way for the player to access prior records of the stories they have encountered so far. A new chapter in the "Watcherbook" becomes available after the player clears each fight for the first time.
What do you do here?
Uplander wishes to know background data of Backrix? Very well.
Backrix keeps eyes on Illuminati stronghold. But why is Backrix chosen, uplander will wonder. It is by request of Slowfix. Many gobbies like tinkermaking tools and machinery. But Backrix has braincase like steel trap─catching all heard things, all seen things. So where Illuminati gather, there does watch of Backrix begin.
What kind of place is this?
Pssshkoh... Shortstop is where gobbies of Idyllshire keep watch, for Illuminati can never be trusted.
They have made a base inside giant of metal. It is old machine, left by uplanders of Sharlayan to rust. But with many hammerings Illuminati repair, and give it movement. Yes, it once stood! But luck is on side of Idyllshire, and giant of metal failed. It came to a shuddering stop, and fell over into the lake. But if awakes again, then Idyllshire is ending─crushed under feet of iron!
Watcherbook I-1
Pssshkoh... Give Backrix a moment... There, now uplander can read gobbie account.
Illuminati posed a threat to Idyllshire from their stronghold inside Sharlayan ruins. But when stronghold becomes a colossus of iron, and begins to climb out of river, then does gobbieflock turn to Scions for aid. Nowtimes headgob of Illuminati is Quickthinx Allthoughts. He desires to make all knowings his own, takes ancient technologies at point of fighty-tool, and keeps secrets clenched tight in fist of iron. Colossus of iron is no doubt Illuminati handiwork. Y'shtola says it feeds on aether, is draining hinterlands with much fastness. Land will be emptied if it stirs again. But Illuminati magic barrier protects giant, and has since great shiveryshaking of ground three years past. Backrix thought Sharlayan ruins were freed from river bottom then, and came bobbing to surface. But daughter of Slowfix says different. Roundrox claims that giant stood then, and ground quivered under its feet-thumping. Cid believes her, thinks that someone tried to summon primal and failed. Backrix knew of claim, but thought it was just imaginings. Roundrox is only little gobbie, after all. But she is proved right, and finds another with eyes for shiny junk and trinkets. Never has Backrix seen Roundrox so happy as when she is with uplander treasure hunter.
Watcherbook I-2
Pssshkoh... Pages of watcherbook are filled with data. Anything uplander would know, Backrix will be sharing! Pssshkoh... Here─all new facts of case, for you to see.
Cid asked Backrix to learn more of Enigma Codex. Data is sparse, but Backrix has confirmed it was written one hundred years ago by a genius machina-maker. It is brimful of plans and ideas, each as fantastic as the next. Greatest among these are designs for a walking citadel, name of “Alexander.” It is designed as a utopia of learning, logic, and reason─part machina, part dream. The citadel would be open only to scholars and tinkerers with giant braincases. It could make its own water and food, and never need anything from outside itself. Thinkers could wander the realm, deepening their knowings, spreading their wisdoms, and building the perfect world. Backrix understands why some gobbies would have lustyeyes for this. Gobbieflock wander, never staying too long in one place and backstrapping precious things. Where better to live than home that walks? But making citadel real, this is frightful. Alexander Initiative is reason for Illuminati to be, and they use all their learnings and cunning to make it come true! And if they succeed, then colossus of iron will power itself through aether, and suck dry the lands. Inside could be safe, but outside everything dies. So gobbies and uplanders are of one mind─core of colossus must be destroyed. There is great peril even for grown uplanders, and Roundrox cannot join them. Daughter of Slowfix must stay behind, and has sad look to her. Maybe Backrix should take her junk hunting, like in past-times.
Watcherbook I-3
Pssshkoh... Uplander wishes for that record?
Uplanders and gobbies have found a fragment of Enigma Codex. It is small piece of crystal that holds all plans and designs for Alexander, and is unlike any book Backrix has ever seen. It was hidden in plain sight very near Backrix─among collection of Roundrox. Daughter of Slowfix picked it up near Sharlayan ruins three years ago, and kept it here as her favorite treasure.
Fragment is dull, dark, but in hands of Roundrox it lights up. It shines strange patterns and symbols into the air above itself. Is it magic or lost science? Backrix has touched it several times, but it does not work for him. Mide has read it, says it speaks of controlling spread of technologies. More advanced machina are dangerous, and their knowings should be held by chosen few. Otherwise, there is great risk of people misusing things they do not understand. Mide claims it is so goodly thinkers can do good things, but Backrix has doubts about this. Good ideals often lead to bad places. Even if that were not so, Illuminati are not good. In seeing ideas made real, they will become self-righteous and go far, far astray. Glowstone of Roundrox is only one part of codex, of course. Mide wishes to find the rest, can sell the ideas for great heaps of jinglyshine. Illuminati still seek fragments, too, want to find all of Enigma Codex. But they call favorite treasure of Roundrox the missing piece, and Backrix wonders─is there another reason they want the child's glowstone?
Watcherbook II-1
Pssshkoh... Uplander wishes to read Watcherbook II-1? Very well!
Illuminati have revived yet another part of Alexander. Backrix wonders how many crystals they used this time. With reports of Illuminati sighted going in and out of Alexander, backstrapped with supplies and explosives, many feared imminent assault. However, [Forename] strode into Alexander, and put a stop to their plans.
Watcherbook: Although uplander's attack was a great success, there was little time for celebration. Quickthinx Allthoughts barged into Bigwest Shortstop and claimed Mide willingly handed over last piece of Enigma Codex to them.
Watcherbook: Quickthinx says Mide has worked with Illuminati since past-times. Backrix hesitates to believe him, but recent findings show there may be truth to his words. Backrix suspects Mide is survivor of Auri expedition that failed to summon Alexander three years ago.
Watcherbook: More interesting knowings are contained in rare Sharlayan book Backrix borrows from Y'shtola. It seems master technologist who authored Enigma Codex was Au Ra, and that the ideals set forth in book have been passed down through generations.
Watcherbook: Utopia that moves is fitting contrivance for a people who have spent generations wandering. Backrix is not surprised that an invention of nomadic Xaela holds such appeal for gobbies, who spend most of their lives with all possessions backstrapped to selves.
Watcherbook: Although author did not sign their name, they spent their youth studying in Sharlayan, developing and fostering their ideas. According to the text's descriptions, Mide shares some physical characteristics of this scholar, namely the same blue hair. If Backrix's guessing is correct, then she could be a descendant of author, and perhaps she has inherited ideals of Enigma Codex.
Watcherbook II-2
Pssshkoh... So this is data that uplander wishes to read? Very well, Backrix will prepare it.
Illuminati have captured Roundrox. She is one of few who are privileged with ability to read Enigma Codex, and no doubt Illuminati plan to use her in their scheme to awaken Alexander. Mide revealed to us that the Enigma Codex is more than just a collection of texts. It can also be used to control metal titan. Backrix finds it strange that Roundrox has such unique talent. Perhaps her passion for finding abandoned machina has something to do with it. Backrix does not know if it was lucky that Roundrox was one to pick up stone three years ago. Stone was piece of shattered codex that remained after Mide's failure. If Illuminati had been able to find all pieces of fragments then, perhaps they would have already drained the land of aether. Mide has charted the primal and her data indicates it is divided into three major parts: Gordias, the right arm; Midas, the left arm; and Alexander, the body. Mide is certain Roundrox is held prisoner in body, which Illuminati have sealed off, making rescue impossible. But uplanders devise strategy to disable core of Midas. If the primal is immobile, then Roundrox will be safe for some time. She is too important for Illuminati to harm. However, although Mide's efforts have proven valuable, Backrix cannot trust her completely. She clings to belief that a man she loved three years ago is trapped within core, and wishes to meet him again. She even went so far as to summon a primal, in hopes to be united with her beloved. Backrix does not call himself expert on uplanders, but he does not think those actions befit someone sane. One thing Backrix does know, however, is that Mide is sincere in her desire to rescue Roundrox.
Watcherbook II-3
Pssshkoh... Which watcherbook does uplander wish to read? Ah, Watcherbook II-3? Give Backrix some time to prepare it... Here!
Backrix can barely believe recent happenings and revelations. Through some mysterious means, Alexander can interfere with time's flow. Backrix has never heard of such a thing, but admits it could explain some puzzling occurrences. Aether was pouring from halted cores of Alexander, but Cid observed the flow reversing, almost as if time itself had been turned backwards. Upon hearing this, Backrix recalled when uplanders left to find core of Midas. They returned almost immediately after departing. It was then Backrix knew that something was not right within magic barrier. Even Y'shtola sensed an irregular energy from within barrier some time ago. Perhaps appearance of Alexander is to blame for that. Odd nature of barrier is not only worry. At every step, Illuminati seem to know what will happen next. Quickthinx knew Mide's fragment was fake, and saw through Biggs and Wedge's efforts to deceive him. Perhaps Quickthinx is not such an addlebrain, but there is no explanation for abrupt loss of power to Mide's platform. Quickthinx stopped directly under Mide, and waited patiently for fragment to drop into his hands. To suggest Quickthinx somehow planned that series of events is complete unsense. If Illuminati can bend time within barrier, they can reactivate cores without consuming heaps of crystals. An enemy with such capabilities cannot be felled with blades alone. From cliffs overlooking Thaliak, Alexander appears almost peaceful. But Backrix knows inside cold steel frame, two cores burn with life. If Illuminati manage to restore power of all three cores, then there is no hope. Backrix fears that true extent of Alexander's powers is still shrouded in mystery. If the primal's grasp over time becomes even stronger, Illuminati could change future and past according to their twisted ideals, shaping history to their will. Backrix gains some reassurance, at least, that its influence over time seems limited to space within barrier. Backrix hopes that uplanders can manage to keep it that way. But with last piece of Enigma Codex in their possession, and Roundrox to read it, Illuminati have all they need to control Alexander. Backrix senses danger ahead, and hopes gobbies and uplanders alike can get through it safely.
Watcherbook III-1
Pssshkoh... Uplander would be reading Watcherbook III-1? Read well, for great knowings are written within!
Backrix can little believe recent hearings. According to tongueflaps of Illuminati agent, if third core is activated, Alexander will gain power to travel through time and changewrite history. And there is more! Quickthinx is said to be allseer from comingtimes, where Illuminati rule over world with iron fist. Backrix and uplanders are already doomed to failure, Illuminati agent says. Backrix does not want to believe, but does explain why Quickthinx can beforesee doings of uplanders. If Illuminati tongueflaps are true, the day Alexander spreads timewings and Illuminati usher in new world─Illuminati call truetimes─is near. It is clearknown that there is only one way to keep world from falling into evil hands of Illuminati─stop Quickthinx from powerstarting final core. Fortunately for gobbieflock, Cid has plan. Uplanders will turn off lightwall, enter Alexander, and backtake Roundrox, keep pasttimes and futuretimes safe from Illuminati control. But lightwall around Alexander does not just keep inbreakers out, it keeps Alexander in. This is because it is same one craftmade three years ago by Mide and friends, when they summon great colossus with ancient treasure. Treasure is strange horn with metal tip that Y'shtola was searching for many years ago. Horn is relic downhanded by ancient society of uplanders with big braincases, has power to control aether. Horn has frightening power, must be sealed away for good of uplanders and gobbies, says Mide. One more thing gets stuck in Backrix's braincase. Quickthinx's little friend, Shanoa, is known to Backrix. Three years ago, Roundrox was telling Backrix about little black coeurlkitten she eyecatches after finding glowstone. Now, coeurlkitten comes to Shortstop, teachwarning uplanders about Illuminati agent. Uplanders are thinking it is Shanoa, but Backrix knows different─Backrix sees Shanoa on colossus highplace with Quickthinx. Backrix gives new kitten new name─Schrödinger. What does name mean? Backrix just likes sound.
Watcherbook III-2
Pssshkoh... Uplander is in need of knowings? Make much room in braincase, for Watcherbook III-2 is overfull of tasty data!
We learn that Illuminati keep Enigma Codex deep in Alexander, in central command room. Uplanders find floatyboard going there, and Backrix goes with them to make inbreak and rescue Roundrox. In central control room, tongueflaps of Mide touch Roundrox, and Roundrox uses full power of Alexander spread timewings and travel three years in pasttimes! Backrix sees Mide and friends summon giant with own eyes! Suddenly, there are shiveryshakes, and someone backtakes control of Alexander. From highwatch atop colossus, Backrix watches Mide's companions die, and lover get sucked by whirlywinds into core─same sight Mide is seeing three years ago. Steel giant seen by Roundrox three years ago was not Alexander summoned by blue-haired uplanders, but Alexander summoned by Illuminati three years later, backmoving in time! Did Quickthinx have these knowings all along...? Here, writings of watcherbook end once. Schrödinger bumps into Backrix atop Alexander, sending both watcherbook and self flyfalling to ground. Writings from here are added by Backrix after watcherbook is retrieved much later. Watcherbook is found by Quickthinx, giving him knowings of three years in future. Quickthinx names himself futureseer, predict happenings not yet happened from pages of Watcherbook. Quickthinx also finds Schrödinger, and gives new name of Shanoa. In sametimes, Mide gets wild idea in braincase that heartmate is still alive in core of colossus. Mide makes tongueflaps with Quickthinx, passing along knowings of how to summon Alexander. Is Quickthinx power-hungry phonyfaker, using Backrix's watcherbook to trick uplanders and gobbies? Does Quickthinx truly believe, in heart of hearts, that he is futureseer and savior of gobbiekind? For all of Backrix's knowings, this is mystery even to Backrix.
Watcherbook III-3
Pssshkoh... Backrix hopes uplander has big braincase. Knowings written in Watcherbook III-3 are most mind-booming of all!
Truth of Quickthinx is revealed! Quickthinx has betterbuilt own body, is more machine than gobbie. More than this, Quickthinx was sneakyhiding own power to read Enigma Codex! Quickthinx tries to use codex to travel back in time, but Alexander refuses, sending surgebolt to destroy codex and offpower Quickthinx. Without codex, there are many shiveryshakes and core runs out of control! Suddenly come backwords from lightscreen. Backrix's braincase is blown─soul of Mide's heartmate is inside machine, just as Mide is believing all along! Full knowings are too much for even Backrix's braincase, but Cid tells to Backrix that deep inside Alexander is powerful device with power to numbercrunch infinite possibilities, and mockmake images of time-space. According to Cid, it is not unpossible that in this space could be memories of uplander soul, and that even whirlycog giant itself could have mind of its own─like a god inside machine. If this is true, then maybe souls of Mide and Dayan backmeet inside core, and heartmates are together again in prison of alltimes, cut off from all of time and space. But prison maybe is not lonely place. Mide is once saying she wanted to walk to ends of the world with her heartmate. Maybe somewhere, deep inside heart of whirlycog giant, her wish is truecoming. After escaping from Alexander and returning to Shortstop, Backrix is handed Sharlayan legendbook, present from Y'shtola. Book tells of faerielegend of Hotgo people, blue-haired uplanders who believe they are born from boy and girl who come from steel giant in earlytimes. Names of two children are Mide and Dayan. After sealing away Alexander's core and seed of destruction, were two uplanders sent to past by god in machine to be reborn as children, growing to be father and mother of new people? If so, one question sticks in Backrix's braincase.
Alexander is born from ideals recorded in Enigma Codex. But tribe of people uplanders who created Enigma Codex are born from Alexander. How this is possible is not clear to Backrix. Backrix will be racking braincase over this one for longtimes...