Adventurer Squadrons

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Adventurer Squadrons are a feature introduced in Patch 3.4 that allows players to take direct command of soldiers in their respective Grand Companies. After assembling a sufficient number of NPC recruits, players can deploy a squadron of soldiers on special missions, reaping rich rewards upon their successful return.


To unlock Adventurer Squadrons, players must obtain Second Lieutenant rank with their Grand Company.

If you change your Grand Company you will still keep your current Adventurer Squadron members but will need to obtain Second Lieutenant rank with the new Grand Company before being able to do any actions with them.

The Maelstrom

The Order of the Twin Adder

The Immortal Flames

Reasons for Enlistment

Each Reason for Enlistment belongs to one or more Challenge Log categories. You can unlock different Recruits by completing different Challenge Log categories. Note that the Gold Saucer category is a wildcard that is able to unlock all recruits of one of each race's clans.

Reason for Enlistment Challenge Log Category
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play. Gold Saucer
I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism. Dungeons
To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do. Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company
To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours. PvP
I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos. FATEs
I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy. Disciples of the Hand
I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt

Managing Your Squadron


1. Recruit Squadron Members

A squadron cannot be formed until you have at least four members. This can be accomplished by completing objectives in your Challenge Log, which will attract new recruits to join your squadron.

  • Squadron members are unlocked after completing individual challenges in the challenge log. This is entirely random, though you can eventually obtain Squadron Enlistment Manuals from missions and for GC seals once you rank up to First Lieutenant that will increase the odds of obtaining a new recruit from challenge log completions. All enlistment papers received will be delivered to your desk inside the squadron barracks.

When a potential recruit piques your interest, select Question when viewing their enlistment papers to call them into the barracks and view their profile. If they are to your satisfaction, you can then recruit them to join your squadron.

The barracks has room for eight soldiers. If you have reached this limit and wish to enlist new recruits, you must first discharge one of the existing squadron members.

You may also choose to postpone a potential recruit's enlistment or dismiss them when reviewing their papers. Please note that if you postpone enlistment, you cannot review the next application until you choose to accept or dismiss the current applicant.

2. Train Your Recruits


After assembling your first squadron, they must undertake the introductory mission "City Patrol." After successfully completing this mission, they may undertake training courses posted on the regimen board. Training courses will provide increases to the squadron's overall physical, mental, and tactical abilities. The focus on which attribute is improved varies from course to course, and you are free to concentrate on the areas in which you wish your squadron to excel. The training consists of A) one stat to gain 40 while sacrificing 20 of the other two stats, B) two stats gaining 20 while sacrificing 40 of the last, or C) No stat bonuses (used for leveling your units without impacting their stats).

Each training course takes 1 hour to complete (Earth time). When a training course is complete, all recruits present in the barracks will receive experience points, and the squadron's overall attributes will increase.

  • Recruits can undertake training courses up to three times a day. Training sessions are renewed every day at 1:00 p.m. (PDT).

3. Deploy Squadrons on Missions

When your squadron is amply prepared, speak with the squadron sergeant to deploy them on a mission. Be advised that deploying your squadron requires an expenditure of company seals, with costs increasing as mission difficulty increases.

Furthermore, each mission has a minimum level requirement. At least one member of the squadron must meet this requirement to proceed. The normal 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS composition isn't required.

There are also Command Missions, where you deploy yourself with 3 squad members. You must meet the normal role requirements for a dungeon when doing so.

4. Wait for Your Squadron to Return

Missions require 18 hours (Earth time) to complete. The time remaining until a mission is completed can be viewed by opening the Timers interface located under Duty in the main menu.

  • When successfully completed, only one Priority mission can be done per week. Allied Maneuvers is also once weekly.
This information is transcluded from Template: weeklyreset.

The weekly reset occurs every Tuesday at 8 a.m. GMT. The following list converts that for several time-zones and their respective daylight savings times (where applicable), though it is not all-encompassing.

Weekly reset time (on Tuesday)
Time Zone U.S. Pacific U.S. Eastern Central Europe Japan Australia Eastern
Standard Time 12 a.m. 3 a.m. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m.
Daylight Savings Time 1 a.m. 4 a.m. 10 a.m. 7 p.m.


Some activies that the weekly reset affects are the Challenge Log, loot from Raids, and certain missions in Adventurer Squadrons.

5. Review the Squadron's Mission Report

When the squadron returns from a mission, you can speak with the squadron sergeant to review a mission debriefing outlining squadron performance.

The mission is a success

Squadron members will receive experience points based on the mission's difficulty. There is also a chance squadron members will exhibit a preference for a certain squadron composition. This is known as "squadron chemistry," and it can affect the outcome of missions by improving attributes or increasing their experience earned.

The mission ends in failure

Squadron members will receive half the basic reward experience points.

Item Rewards

Item Buff Effect
Squadron battle manual icon1.png  Squadron Battle Manual The heat of battle1.png The Heat of Battle III Combat EXP Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m
Squadron engineering manual icon1.png  Squadron Engineering Manual Helping hand1.png Helping Hand III Crafting EXP Bonus: +20% Duration: 120m
Squadron survival manual icon1.png  Squadron Survival Manual Earth and water1.png Earth and Water III Gathering EXP Bonus: +20% Duration: 120m
Priority aetheryte pass icon1.png  Priority Aetheryte Pass Reduced rates1.png Reduced Rates III Teleport Fee Reduction: 40% Duration: 120m
Gold saucer vip card icon1.png  Gold Saucer VIP Card Jackpot icon2.png Jackpot III MGP Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m
Priority seal allowance icon1.png  Priority Seal Allowance Seal sweetener icon2.png Seal Sweetener III Seal Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m
Squadron rationing manual icon1.png  Squadron Rationing Manual Meat and mead1.png Meat and Mead III Food Duration Increase: +15m Duration: 120m
Squadron gear maintenance manual icon1.png  Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual Proper care1.png Proper Care III Gear Wear Decrease: +30% Duration: 120m
Squadron spiritbonding manual icon1.png  Squadron Spiritbonding Manual That which binds us1.png That Which Binds Us III Spiritbond Bonus: +3 Duration: 120m
Squadron enlistment manual icon1.png  Squadron Enlistment Manual Squadron enlistment manual1.png Squadron Enlistment Manual Increases the chance of a new recruit.
Effect ends upon recruit arrival.

Squadron Ranks and Stats

At the base Squadron Rank (Trainee) you have a total of 200 stat points to allocate between three primary stats: Physical, Mental, and Tactics. This base stat pool will increase as your Squadron Rank increases. You are able to allocate these points via training sessions. Each training session also grants Adventurer Squadrons Squadron EXP, which will increase the level of your recruits. You may train your recruits three times daily, though you may not train recruits currently deployed on missions. Keep this in mind before using daily training charges. Each training session lasts one hour. The sessions that re-allocate stats grant Adventurer Squadrons 2,000 EXP. However, you may do a comprehensive training course that does NOT re-allocate stats and instead grants Adventurer Squadrons 3,000 EXP.

Recruits each have their own respective stat pools, which vary based on their class. For example, a Conjurer will have an incredibly high mental stat, but low physical and tactical stats. Each level seems to grant two stat points, allocated between the three stats depending on the NPC. You may check your recruit's experience points by clicking on them when they are in your barracks. Upon reaching First Lieutenant, you may purchase books to change the classes of your recruits.

You may have a squad of four recruits go out on missions. Each member added to the mission will increase the mission's statistics based on their personal allocation.

Missions each have a required stat pool in order to increase your chance of success. You have a greater chance to fail if you are below these amounts. As such, you can train your base stat pool and then supplement it with a variety of squadron members to play to whatever strengths you need. This makes it possible to math out your best odds of success on a mission with proper training and variety in recruits. Note that "Flagged" missions (ones that give rank up upon successful completion) will always fail if all three stats are not met.

Once one member has reached level 20, Flagged Mission: Voidsent Elimination becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock Routine Missions. Once one member has reached level 40, Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock Priority Missions and the rank of First Lieutenant. Once 5 different Command Missions have been completed, Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock the rank of Captain.

Squadron Chemistry

Chemistry gives stat boosts or extra rewards for missions, and typically depend on race or class composition.

Chemistry can be randomly gained after missions. Note that it must assigned to a party member before it applies. To apply chemistry, look at the detailed stats for a particular party member by selecting that party member directly, or by selecting them from the list of party members on the Regimen Board. Select the blue lightning icon, and then choose the chemistry you wish to apply. Unassigned chemistry is lost once the next mission is commenced. Use it on the next mission or lose it.

Recruit Levels

The first Squadron Rank up mission is available when a recruit reaches level 20. Recruits can be leveled up to 60, but this is capped by your highest level. Your squad cannot be higher leveled than your highest Job.

Your recruit's equipment will change in appearance as they level up.

Command Missions

Command Missions is a new feature released in patch 4.1 of Stormblood. It allows the player to enter certain dungeons alongside three of their squadron NPCs.

The introduction of the Duty Support System has put the future of the entire Adventurer Squadrons feature into doubt. Comments by YoshiP during PLLs has indicated the feature will be retired once development of Duty Support is complete.

Squadron Missions

Main article: Squadron Missions
Note: For "Flagged Missions" you must meet all three stat requirements or the mission is guaranteed to fail.

The required Physical/Mental/Tactical stats for each mission are randomized, and switch out each week. The stat requirements listed below are example sets.

Trainee Missions

Name Level Physical Mental Tactical XP Rewards Notes
City Patrol 1 145 140 140 Adventurer Squadrons 5,000
Military Courier 1 160 150 175 Adventurer Squadrons 7,500
Outskirts Patrol 1 155 195 250 Adventurer Squadrons 9,000
Beastmen Recon 5 245 155 200 Adventurer Squadrons 10,500
Supply Wagon Escort 10 210 320 115 Adventurer Squadrons 12,000
Pest Eradication 15 130 335 225 Adventurer Squadrons 13,500 Squadron enlistment manual icon1.png  Squadron Enlistment Manual
Flagged Mission: Voidsent Elimination 20 235 245 255 Adventurer Squadrons 14,000 Contemporary warfare defense icon1.png  Contemporary Warfare: Defense
  • Unlocked once one squadron member reaches level 20.
  • Completion unlocks Routine Missions and squadron rank 2.
  • This mission can only be completed once.

Routine Missions

Name Level Physical Mental Tactical XP Rewards Notes
Frontline Support 20 410 270 145 Adventurer Squadrons 15,000
Officer Escort 20 415 275 150 Adventurer Squadrons 16,500
Border Patrol 25 280 450 140 Adventurer Squadrons 19,500
Stronghold Recon 30 155 465 295 Adventurer Squadrons 22,500
Search and Rescue (Squadron Mission) 35 310 185 465 Adventurer Squadrons 25,500
Allied Maneuvers 35 185 310 465 Adventurer Squadrons 27,000 Squadron enlistment manual icon1.png  Squadron Enlistment Manual
Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery 40 315 325 340 Adventurer Squadrons 20,000
  • Unlocked once one squadron member reaches level 40.
  • Completion unlocks Priority Missions, squadron rank 3, and First Lieutenant rank in the Grand Company.
  • This mission can only be completed once per Grand Company.
Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike 50 370 355 345 Adventurer Squadrons 40,000
  • Unlocked after completing Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery, as well as Command Missions in 5 unique dungeons.
  • Completion unlocks Captain rank in the Grand Company.
  • This mission can only be completed once per Grand Company.

Priority Missions

Name Level Physical Mental Tactical XP Rewards
Stronghold Assault 40 385 560 245 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Priority seal allowance icon1.png  Priority Seal Allowance
Black Market Crackdown 40 385 265 540 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Gold saucer vip card icon1.png  Gold Saucer VIP Card
Imperial Recon 40 530 385 275 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron battle manual icon1.png  Squadron Battle Manual
Imperial Pursuit 40 245 560 385 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron survival manual icon1.png  Squadron Survival Manual
Imperial Feint 40 265 385 540 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron engineering manual icon1.png  Squadron Engineering Manual
Supply Line Disruption 40 530 275 385 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron spiritbonding manual icon1.png  Squadron Spiritbonding Manual
Criminal Pursuit 40 245 560 385 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron rationing manual icon1.png  Squadron Rationing Manual
Supply Wagon Destruction 40 265 385 540 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Squadron gear maintenance manual icon1.png  Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual
Chimerical Elimination 40 530 275 385 Adventurer Squadrons 30,000 5 Priority aetheryte pass icon1.png  Priority Aetheryte Pass
Primal Recon 50 275 620 430 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Priority seal allowance icon1.png  Priority Seal Allowance
Counter-magitek Exercises 50 590 305 430 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Gold saucer vip card icon1.png  Gold Saucer VIP Card
Infiltrate and Rescue 50 295 430 600 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron battle manual icon1.png  Squadron Battle Manual
Outlaw Subjugation 50 275 620 430 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron survival manual icon1.png  Squadron Survival Manual
Cult Crackdown 50 590 305 430 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron engineering manual icon1.png  Squadron Engineering Manual
Voidsent Elimination 50 295 430 600 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron spiritbonding manual icon1.png  Squadron Spiritbonding Manual
Armor Annihilation 50 430 620 275 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron rationing manual icon1.png  Squadron Rationing Manual
Invasive Testing 50 590 430 305 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Squadron gear maintenance manual icon1.png  Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual
Imposter Alert 50 430 295 600 Adventurer Squadrons 37,500 10 Priority aetheryte pass icon1.png  Priority Aetheryte Pass

Squadron Member Glamours

See also: Glamours

This requires a glamour prism.

  • Glamours must first be unlocked by the player before this action can be used.

Casting Glamours

Providing you have the necessary gear and glamour prism, speak with a squadron member and select Outfit from the enlistment papers. The glamour prism will be consumed upon use, but no gear will be lost in the process.

  • It is not required to dispel existing glamours from a piece of gear before casting a different glamour.
  • Gear used to cast glamours will be bound upon use of a glamour prism.
  • Gear used to cast glamours that come from your Armoire or Glamour Dresser does not require a glamour prism.

There a few restrictions when glamouring squad members.

  • Squad members cannot wear uniforms of a different Grand Company than what the player is currently a part of (i.e. a Twin Adder player cannot have his squad members wear Immortal Flames Uniform).
  • If a squad member is wearing a glamoured Grand Company uniform when a player swaps to a different Grand Company, the uniform is replaced with the default appearance of the adventurer.
  • Squad members can wear equipment that the player can't so as long as they meet the requirements (i.e. a Male Hyur can wear Hyuran Thighboots, even though the player is a female Lalafell).

Adventurer squadron glamours1.png

Selecting Apply Glamours after speaking with the Squadron Outfitter will start the process.

Adventurer squadron glamours2.png

Select the gear to which the glamour will be applied, then select the gear used to cast the glamour. Finally, select Confirm to consume the glamour prism and apply the glamour.

Adventurer squadron glamours3.png

Squadron Recruits

See also: Squadron Recruits
Name Image Race Gender Home Default Class Unique Outfit Challenge Log Reasons for Enlistment
Awayuki AurafAwayuki.jpg Au Ra Far East Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
Khorchi AurafKhorchi.jpg Au Ra Far East Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Kumokiri AurafKumokiri.jpg Au Ra Far East Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
Samga Samga.jpg Au Ra Far East Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist No FATEs, Gold Saucer I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Toragana AurafToragana.jpg Au Ra Far East Archer frame icon.png Archer No Dungeons, Gold Saucer I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Baien AuramBaien.jpg Au Ra Far East Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
Begter AuramBegter.jpg Au Ra Far East Rogue frame icon.png Rogue No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt, Gold Saucer I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Elchi AuramElchi.jpg Au Ra Far East Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No Disciples of the Hand, Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Raiden AuramRaiden.jpg Au Ra Far East Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist Yes Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
Saiun AuramSaiun.jpg Au Ra Far East Marauder frame icon.png Marauder No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
Ceaulie ElezenfCeaulie.jpg Elezen Old Gridania Archer frame icon.png Archer No FATEs I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
Crilde Crilde.png Elezen The Hawthorne Hut Rogue frame icon.png Rogue Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Jolaine ElezenfJolaine.jpg Elezen Greentear Marauder frame icon.png Marauder No FATEs I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
Rivienne ElezenfRivienne.jpg Elezen The Honey Yard Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No Dungeons, Gold Saucer I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Sofine ElezenfSofine.jpg Elezen The Mun-Tuy Cellars Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company, Gold Saucer To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Delboisse ElezenmDelboisse.jpg Elezen Fallgourd Float Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No PvP, Gold Saucer To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Labonrit ElezenmLabonrit.jpg Elezen Bentbranch Meadows Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge No FATEs I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
Meuliaire ElezenmMeuliaire.png Elezen Quarrymill Rogue frame icon.png Rogue Yes FATEs I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
Pagneul ElezenmPagneul.jpg Elezen Old Gridania Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No FATEs I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
Teulzacq ElezenmTeulzacq.jpg Elezen Fallgourd Float Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist No Disciples of the Hand, Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Auelin HyurfAuelin.jpg Hyur Ceruleum Processing Plant Archer frame icon.png Archer No Disciples of the Hand, Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Cecily HyurfCecily.jpg Hyur The Lavender Beds Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No PvP To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
Chrysabel HyurfChrysabel.jpg Hyur Lost Hope Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist No PvP To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
Cilia HyurfCilia.png Hyur Pearl Lane Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Ellice HyurfEllice.jpg Hyur The Goblet Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt, Gold Saucer I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Alimahus HyurmAlimahus.jpg Hyur Crescent Cove Rogue frame icon.png Rogue No Dungeons, Gold Saucer I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Dolfin Hyurmdolfin.png Hyur Onyx Lane Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge Yes PvP To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
Hroch HyurmHroch.jpg Hyur Sea of Spires Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company, Gold Saucer To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Huebald HyurmHuebald.png Hyur Moraby Drydocks Marauder frame icon.png Marauder No PvP To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
Morel HyurmMorel.jpg Hyur Camp Tranquil Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist No PvP To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
Kelmomo LalafKelmomo.png Lalafell Mist Marauder frame icon.png Marauder Yes Disciples of the Hand I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
Liliba LalafellfLiliba.png Lalafell Wineport Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No Disciples of the Hand I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
Sasashu LalafSasashu.jpg Lalafell Drybone Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No PvP, Gold Saucer To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Tewawa LalafTewawa.jpg Lalafell Three-malm Bend Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist No Disciples of the Hand I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
Totodi LalafTotodi.jpg Lalafell The Silver Bazaar Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt, Gold Saucer I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Mujen Polajen Ffxiv 01042017 153909.png Lalafell Candlekeep Quay Rogue frame icon.png Rogue No Disciples of the Hand I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
Mumutano LalamMumutano.jpg Lalafell Stonesthrow Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No FATEs, Gold Saucer I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Nanasomi LalamNanasomi.jpg Lalafell The Ruby Road Exchange Archer frame icon.png Archer No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company, Gold Saucer To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Nunulupa Tatalupa Nunulupa Tatalupa.png Lalafell Summerford Farms Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge No Disciples of the Hand I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
Seserikku LalamSeserikku.jpg Lalafell Horizon Marauder frame icon.png Marauder Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
E'ptolmi MiqotefEptolmi.jpg Miqo'te Bronze Lake Archer frame icon.png Archer Yes Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
J'ludaba MiqotefJludaba.jpg Miqo'te Moraby Drydocks Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
Oah Nelhah MiqotefOah.jpg Miqo'te Jadeite Thick Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist No FATEs, Gold Saucer I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
V'nbolo MiqotefVnbolo.jpg Miqo'te Zephyr Drift Archer frame icon.png Archer No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
Yehn Amariyo MiqotefYehn.jpg Miqo'te New Gridania Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No Disciples of the Hand, Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer whose hands can create as well as destroy.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
B'benha Tia MiqotemBbenha.jpg Miqo'te Summerford Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
D'fhul Tia MiqotemDfhul.jpg Miqo'te The Grey Fleet Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
Gota'a Panipahr MiqotemGotaa.jpg Miqo'te Hyrstmill Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge No Dungeons, Gold Saucer I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Kehda'to Moui MiqotemKehdato.jpg Miqo'te New Gridania Archer frame icon.png Archer Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Ziuz'a Jakkya MiqotemZiuza.jpg Miqo'te Bentbranch Rogue frame icon.png Rogue No PvP, Gold Saucer To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Careless Whisper RoegfCareless.jpg Roegadyn Wellwick Wood Rogue frame icon.png Rogue No Guildhests, Levequests, Grand Company, Gold Saucer To serve both my Grand Company and my fellow Eorzeans as bravely as you do.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Fearless Fawn Roegf fearless.jpg Roegadyn Highbridge Archer frame icon.png Archer No PvP, Gold Saucer To challenge the limits of my abilities as you challenge yours.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Inghilswys RoegfInghilswys.jpg Roegadyn Raincatcher Gully Docks Lancer frame icon.png Lancer No Dungeons I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
Koenbryda RoegfKoenbryda.jpg Roegadyn Moraby Drydocks Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator No Dungeons I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
Raelthota RoegfRaelthota.jpg Roegadyn Open Sea - Pirate Vessel Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist Yes Dungeons I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
Callous Steed RoegmCallous.jpg Roegadyn Vesper Bay Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge No Disciples of the Land, Treasure Hunt, Gold Saucer I would follow a commander who appreciates the blessings of nature.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Gnawing Goat RoegmGnawing.jpg Roegadyn The Golden Bazaar Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer No FATEs, Gold Saucer I wish to emulate your calm and resourcefulness in the face of chaos.
I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Hastaloeya RoegmHastaloeya.jpg Roegadyn Red Rooster Stead Marauder frame icon.png Marauder No Dungeons I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.
Raging Ox RoegmRaging.jpg Roegadyn The Sapphire Avenue Exchange Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist Yes Gold Saucer I wish to serve under an officer who can balance work and play.
Rhylharr RoegmRhylharr.jpg Roegadyn Raincatcher Gully Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist No Dungeons I was inspired by your countless deeds of heroism.

Squadron Recruits Stats

See also: Squadron Recruits Stats
Marauder frame icon.png Marauder Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator Archer frame icon.png Archer Rogue frame icon.png Rogue Lancer frame icon.png Lancer Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist Adventurer Squadrons EXP Information
Lvl Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Exp to Next Total EXP
1 60 12 24 48 12 36 12 12 72 24 12 60 36 12 48 36 24 36 12 72 12 12 60 24 12 48 36 1000 0
2 61 12 25 50 12 36 13 12 73 24 12 62 37 12 49 37 24 37 12 73 13 12 61 25 12 49 37 1100 1000
3 63 12 25 52 12 36 13 12 75 24 12 64 37 12 51 37 24 39 12 75 13 12 63 25 12 51 37 1200 2100
4 64 12 26 54 12 36 14 12 76 24 12 66 38 12 52 38 24 40 12 76 14 12 64 26 12 52 38 1300 3300
5 65 13 26 55 13 36 14 13 77 24 13 67 38 13 53 38 25 41 13 77 14 13 65 26 13 53 38 1400 4600
6 66 13 27 56 13 37 15 13 78 25 13 68 39 13 54 39 25 42 13 78 15 13 66 27 13 54 39 1500 6000
7 66 14 28 56 14 38 16 14 78 26 14 68 40 14 54 40 26 42 14 78 16 14 66 28 14 54 40 1600 7500
8 68 14 28 57 14 39 17 14 79 27 14 69 40 14 56 41 26 43 14 80 16 14 67 29 14 55 41 1700 9100
9 70 14 28 59 14 39 17 14 81 27 14 71 40 14 58 41 26 45 14 82 16 14 69 29 14 57 41 1800 10800
10 72 14 28 60 14 40 18 14 82 28 14 72 40 14 60 42 26 46 14 84 16 14 70 30 14 58 42 2000 12600
11 73 15 28 61 15 40 18 15 83 28 15 73 40 15 61 42 27 47 15 85 16 15 71 30 15 59 42 2200 14600
12 74 15 29 62 15 41 19 15 84 29 15 74 41 15 62 43 27 48 15 86 17 15 72 31 15 60 43 2400 16800
13 74 16 30 62 16 42 20 16 84 30 16 74 42 16 62 44 28 48 16 86 18 16 72 32 16 60 44 2600 19200
14 75 16 31 64 16 42 21 16 85 30 16 76 43 16 63 45 28 49 16 87 19 16 73 33 16 61 45 2800 21800
15 77 16 31 66 16 42 21 16 87 30 16 78 43 16 65 45 28 51 16 89 19 16 75 33 16 63 45 3000 24600
16 78 16 32 68 16 42 22 16 88 30 16 80 44 16 66 46 28 52 16 90 20 16 76 34 16 64 46 3200 27600
17 79 17 32 69 17 42 22 17 89 30 17 81 44 17 67 46 29 53 17 91 20 17 77 34 17 65 46 3400 30800
18 80 17 33 70 17 43 23 17 90 31 17 82 45 17 68 47 29 54 17 92 21 17 78 35 17 66 47 3600 34200
19 80 18 34 70 18 44 24 18 90 32 18 82 46 18 68 48 30 54 18 92 22 18 78 36 18 66 48 3800 37800
20 82 18 34 71 18 45 25 18 91 33 18 83 46 18 70 49 30 55 18 94 22 18 79 37 18 67 49 4100 41600
Marauder frame icon.png Marauder Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator Archer frame icon.png Archer Rogue frame icon.png Rogue Lancer frame icon.png Lancer Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist Adventurer Squadrons EXP Information
Lvl Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Exp to Next Total EXP
21 84 18 34 73 18 45 25 18 93 33 18 85 46 18 72 49 30 57 18 96 22 18 81 37 18 69 49 4400 45700
22 86 18 34 74 18 46 26 18 94 34 18 86 46 18 74 50 30 58 18 98 22 18 82 38 18 70 50 4700 50100
23 87 19 34 75 19 46 26 19 95 34 19 87 46 19 75 50 31 59 19 99 22 19 83 38 19 71 50 5000 54800
24 88 19 35 76 19 47 27 19 96 35 19 88 47 19 76 51 31 60 19 100 23 19 84 39 19 72 51 5300 59800
25 88 20 36 76 20 48 28 20 96 36 20 88 48 20 76 52 32 60 20 100 24 20 84 40 20 72 52 5600 65100
26 89 20 37 78 20 48 29 20 97 36 20 90 49 20 77 53 32 61 20 101 25 20 85 41 20 73 53 5900 70700
27 91 20 37 80 20 48 29 20 99 36 20 92 49 20 79 53 32 63 20 103 25 20 87 41 20 75 53 6200 76600
28 92 20 38 82 20 48 30 20 100 36 20 94 50 20 80 54 32 64 20 104 26 20 88 42 20 76 54 6500 82800
29 93 21 38 83 21 48 30 21 101 36 21 95 50 21 81 54 33 65 21 105 26 21 89 42 21 77 54 6800 89300
30 94 21 39 84 21 49 31 21 102 37 21 96 51 21 82 55 33 66 21 106 27 21 90 43 21 78 55 7200 96100
31 94 22 40 84 22 50 32 22 102 38 22 96 52 22 82 56 34 66 22 106 28 22 90 44 22 78 56 7600 103300
32 96 22 40 85 22 51 33 22 103 39 22 97 52 22 84 57 34 67 22 108 28 22 91 45 22 79 57 8000 110900
33 98 22 40 87 22 51 33 22 105 39 22 99 52 22 86 57 34 69 22 110 28 22 93 45 22 81 57 8400 118900
34 100 22 40 88 22 52 34 22 106 40 22 100 52 22 88 58 34 70 22 112 28 22 94 46 22 82 58 8800 127300
35 101 23 40 89 23 52 34 23 107 40 23 101 52 23 89 58 35 71 23 113 28 23 95 46 23 83 58 9200 136100
36 102 23 41 90 23 53 35 23 108 41 23 102 53 23 90 59 35 72 23 114 29 23 96 47 23 84 59 9600 145300
37 102 24 42 90 24 54 36 24 108 42 24 102 54 24 90 60 36 72 24 114 30 24 96 48 24 84 60 10000 154900
38 103 24 43 92 24 54 37 24 109 42 24 104 55 24 91 61 36 73 24 115 31 24 97 49 24 85 61 10400 164900
39 105 24 43 94 24 54 37 24 111 42 24 106 55 24 93 61 36 75 24 117 31 24 99 49 24 87 61 11000 175300
40 106 24 44 96 24 54 38 24 112 42 24 108 56 24 94 62 36 76 24 118 32 24 100 50 24 88 62 12000 186300
Marauder frame icon.png Marauder Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator Archer frame icon.png Archer Rogue frame icon.png Rogue Lancer frame icon.png Lancer Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist Adventurer Squadrons EXP Information
Lvl Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Phy Men Tac Exp to Next Total EXP
41 107 25 44 97 25 54 38 25 113 42 25 109 56 25 95 62 37 77 25 119 32 25 101 50 25 89 62 13000 198300
42 108 25 45 98 25 55 39 25 114 43 25 110 57 25 96 63 37 78 25 120 33 25 102 51 25 90 63 14000 211300
43 108 26 46 98 26 56 40 26 114 44 26 110 58 26 96 64 38 78 26 120 34 26 102 52 26 90 64 15000 225300
44 110 26 46 99 26 57 41 26 115 45 26 111 58 26 98 65 38 79 26 122 34 26 103 53 26 91 65 16000 240300
45 112 26 46 101 26 57 41 26 117 45 26 113 58 26 100 65 38 81 26 124 34 26 105 53 26 93 65 18000 256300
46 114 26 46 102 26 58 42 26 118 46 26 114 58 26 102 66 38 82 26 126 34 26 106 54 26 94 66 20000 274300
47 115 27 46 103 27 58 42 27 119 46 27 115 58 27 103 66 39 83 27 127 34 27 107 54 27 95 66 22000 294300
48 116 27 47 104 27 59 43 27 120 47 27 116 59 27 104 67 39 84 27 128 35 27 108 55 27 96 67 24000 316300
49 116 28 48 104 28 60 44 28 120 48 28 116 60 28 104 68 40 84 28 128 36 28 108 56 28 96 68 26000 340300
50 117 28 49 106 28 60 45 28 121 48 28 118 61 28 105 69 40 85 28 129 37 28 109 57 28 97 69 28000 366300
51 119 28 49 108 28 60 45 28 123 48 28 120 61 28 107 69 40 87 28 131 37 28 111 57 28 99 69 46500 394300
52 120 28 50 110 28 60 46 28 124 48 28 122 62 28 108 70 40 88 28 132 38 28 112 58 28 100 70 51000 440800
53 121 29 50 111 29 60 46 29 125 48 29 123 62 29 109 70 41 89 29 133 38 29 113 58 29 101 70 55500 491800
54 122 29 51 112 29 61 47 29 126 49 29 124 63 29 110 71 41 90 29 134 39 29 114 59 29 102 71 60000 547300
55 122 30 52 112 30 62 48 30 126 50 30 124 64 30 110 72 42 90 30 134 40 30 114 60 30 102 72 66000 607300
56 124 30 52 113 30 63 49 30 127 51 30 125 64 30 112 73 42 91 30 136 40 30 115 61 30 103 73 72000 673300
57 126 30 52 115 30 63 49 30 129 51 30 127 64 30 114 73 42 93 30 138 40 30 117 61 30 105 73 78000 745300
58 128 30 52 116 30 64 50 30 130 52 30 128 64 30 116 74 42 94 30 140 40 30 118 62 30 106 74 84000 823300
59 129 31 52 117 31 64 50 31 131 52 31 129 64 31 117 74 43 95 31 141 40 31 119 62 31 107 74 90000 907300
60 130 31 53 118 31 65 51 31 132 53 31 130 65 31 118 75 43 96 31 142 41 31 120 63 31 108 75 0 997300

Squadron Recruit Faces

Squadron recruit faces1.jpg