Hoary Boulder

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Hoary Boulder

Hoary Boulder.jpg

Male ♂
Roegadyn (Hellsguard)
The Rising Stones (6,6)
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Quest NPC
Voiced by (JP)
Yasutaka Tomioka
Voiced by (EN)
Nigel Betts
Voiced by (FR)
Thomas Roditi
Voiced by (DE)
Andreas Sparberg

Hoary Boulder is a Roegadyn in The Rising Stones.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Brief Reprieve Main Scenario quest 70 Hoary Boulder

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Guardian of Eorzea Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Aether on Demand Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud

Additional Information

Hailing from the northern reaches of Abalathia, Hoary Boulder is considered of formidable build, even amongst other Hellsguard. When he was eighteen, he descended from his mountain home hoping to prove his mettle, and earned countless accolades as an adventurer for taking on deadly marks most others would avoid. It was on one such quest in the outskirts of Gridania that Hoary met Coultenet. Though different in personality and origin, the two bonded as if they were brothers, and have worked side by side ever since. Eventually, the pair would earn a name for themselves, earning them the attention of one Tataru Taru. Now twenty and five, Hoary Boulder guards the Rising Stones, and has taken it upon himself to teach the Doman younglings which call the halls home the way of the sword, hoping that one day people will look up to him as they do the Warrior of Light.
