Nashu Mhakaracca

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Nashu Mhakaracca

Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures promo2.jpg

Female ♀
Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Inspector's Aide
Radz-at-Han (11.9,11.2)
Masha Mhakaracca (sister)
Quest NPC

Nashu was Hildibrand’s faithful assistant up until his disappearance five years ago. Today, she carries on in the gentleman hero’s stead, offering the people of Eorzea her sleuthing services.

— In-game description

Nashu Mhakaracca is a Miqo'te found in Radz-at-Han.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies Feature quest 60 Nashu
Life Imitates Art Imitates Life Feature quest 70 Nashu
The Past Is Never Past Feature quest 70 Nashu

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Business of Betrothal Feature quest 50 Ellie
A Burst of Inspiration  Feature quest 50 Briardien
Her Last Vow Feature quest 50 Julyan
The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen Feature quest 50 Wymond
The Hammer Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
Manderville Men Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
Back in the Saddle Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
After Her Own Heart Feature quest 50 Wymond
Eight-armed and Dangerous Feature quest 50 Ellie
What Price Victory Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
The Trouble with Truffles Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
Beneath the Mask Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
The Three Collectors Feature quest 50 Hildibrand
The Sleeping Gentleman Feature quest 90 Excitable Youth
A Soulful Reunion Feature quest 90 Hildibrand


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eastern La Noscea (X:31, Y:31)
Central Thanalan (X:15, Y:22)
Eastern Thanalan (X:21, Y:27)
Northern Thanalan (X:12, Y:23)
Northern Thanalan (X:23, Y:23)
Southern Thanalan (X:21, Y:39)
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:8, Y:11)
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10, Y:11)
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:10, Y:10)

Additional Information