Copperbell Mines (Hard)

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See also: Copperbell Mines

Copperbell Mines (Hard)

Copperbell Mines (Hard).png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
48 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons"Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 
Req. quest
Feature quest Out of Sight, Out of Mine
Western Thanalan (X:27, Y:17)

Freed from three hundred years of imprisonment, the hecatoncheires seized and held control of Copperbell Mines, until Eorzea’s adventurers put an end to their revolt. Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern resumed operations almost immediately, dispatching engineers into the deepest shafts. However, in a not altogether surprising development, the engineers have gone missing, and another band of hecatoncheires is believed to be responsible.

— In-game description

Copperbell Mines (Hard) is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.1.


Level 50+ players need to talk to Hugubert in Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x22,y8), to start the quest Feature QuestOut of Sight, Out of Mine to unlock the dungeon.
The quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon.


  1. Clear the Screaming Dark: 0/1
  2. Clear the Crying Dark: 0/1
  3. Defeat Ouranos: 0/1


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Hecatoncheir Mastermind

Hecatoncheir Mastermind will use Darkfire every 45 - 60 seconds. The fire will cover a portion of the platform, forcing players to move further down the bridge. Whenever Hecatoncheir uses Darkfire, a Flamebeau (bomb type monster) spawns. The Flamebeau will attempt to move towards the fire. Kill the Flamebeau ASAP. If it reaches the burning ground, it will explode and kill all players. If it is left alone it will self-destruct and wipe the party. Stun the bomb if necessary.

  • Do not let Flamebeau touch the burning ground cast by the boss.
  • Kill Flamebeau ASAP or it will explode and insta-kill the entire party.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Gogmagolem

Gogmagolem is a spriggan operating a rock giant. The boss not only has very high defense, it will also move back and forth in the boss room.

In the boss room, there is an object named Improved Blasting Device. One of your party members should operate the Device to spawn a Waymaker Bomb. That player should pick up the bomb. When it says it is going to explode in 5 seconds, place it in the path of the Gogmagolem. This is the main method of damaging the boss. Black bombs will also spawn near the Blasting Device and the center of the room. These will Self-Destruct, so move away quickly.

The other DPS should focus on killing all of the Kindling Sprites that spawn around the edges of the room.

When the Golem dies, the spriggan named Biggy will spawn. Kill Biggy and move away from very large bombs because these bombs will explode in a very large radius.


  • One DPS should spawn bombs with Improved Blasting Device, then carry and drop bombs in path of Gomagolem
  • Other DPS focus adds
  • When Biggy spawns, DPS him down

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Ouranos

Non-tank players should not stand in front of the boss. Avoid its circular AoE attacks and kill Giga adds when they spawn (the adds can't be force-aggroed and will target random players).

Occasionally, a Sand Worm will spawn. When the text "The abyss worm is searching for fodder" appears on screen, one of the players should pick up the object Crystallized Rock (found around the edges of the arena) and place it somewhere in the sand. Players should move away from the rock to avoid taking damage from the Sand Worm. If the rock is not placed in time, the Sand Worm will cast Bottomless Desert and pull all players to the middle of the room and deal heavy damage to all players. Bottomless Desert can easily lead to a wipe, so make sure someone is on dedicated rock duty.


  • Burn down boss
  • When Sand Worm is Searching for Fodder, carry Crystallized Rock onto the sand and drop it to distract the worm


Silver Coffer (small).png Hecatoncheir Mastermind

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere leggings icon1.png  Austere Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Blessed espadrilles icon1.png  Blessed Espadrilles Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue pattens icon1.png  Demagogue Pattens Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos jackboots icon1.png  Hetairos Jackboots Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite sabatons icon1.png  Hoplite Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Lords sabatons icon1.png  Lord's Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Nobles leg guards icon1.png  Noble's Leg Guards Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast leggings icon1.png  Peltast Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos duckbills icon1.png  Strategos Duckbills Feet 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Thick sollerets icon1.png  Thick Sollerets Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes moccasins icon1.png  Toxotes Moccasins Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
War caligae icon1.png  War Caligae Feet 60 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Biggy

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere ringbands icon1.png  Austere Ringbands Hands 60 BGreen 1
Blessed halfgloves icon1.png  Blessed Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Blessed monocle icon1.png  Blessed Monocle Head 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfgloves icon1.png  Demagogue Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue mask icon1.png  Demagogue Mask Head 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos armguards icon1.png  Hetairos Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos elmo icon1.png  Hetairos Elmo Head 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite circlet icon1.png  Hoplite Circlet Head 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite gauntlets icon1.png  Hoplite Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Lords celata icon1.png  Lord's Celata Head 60 BGreen 1
Lords gauntlets icon1.png  Lord's Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Nobles armguards icon1.png  Noble's Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
Nobles goggles icon1.png  Noble's Goggles Head 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast helm icon1.png  Peltast Helm Head 60 BGreen 1
Peltast mitts icon1.png  Peltast Mitts Hands 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos coif icon1.png  Strategos Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos gloves icon1.png  Strategos Gloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Thick chain coif icon1.png  Thick Chain Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Thick vambraces icon1.png  Thick Vambraces Hands 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bandana icon1.png  Toxotes Bandana Head 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bracers icon1.png  Toxotes Bracers Hands 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
War mesail icon1.png  War Mesail Head 60 BGreen 1
War mitt gauntlets icon1.png  War Mitt Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Ouranos

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfrobe icon1.png  Demagogue Halfrobe Body 60 BGreen 1
Faded copy of the darks embrace icon1.png  Faded Copy of The Dark's Embrace   This item is guaranteed to drop. Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos bliaud icon1.png  Strategos Bliaud Body 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1

Other Loot

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 12.3 Y: 8.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite sabatons icon1.png  Hoplite Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Lords sabatons icon1.png  Lord's Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Thick sollerets icon1.png  Thick Sollerets Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos jackboots icon1.png  Hetairos Jackboots Feet 60 BGreen 1
War caligae icon1.png  War Caligae Feet 60 BGreen 1
Nobles leg guards icon1.png  Noble's Leg Guards Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast leggings icon1.png  Peltast Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes moccasins icon1.png  Toxotes Moccasins Feet 60 BGreen 1
Austere leggings icon1.png  Austere Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Blessed espadrilles icon1.png  Blessed Espadrilles Feet 60 BGreen 1
Strategos duckbills icon1.png  Strategos Duckbills Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue pattens icon1.png  Demagogue Pattens Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Slime puddle icon2.png  Slime Puddle Minion N/A ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.8 Y: 12.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 9.6 Y: 13.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 9.3 Y: 13.4)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1


Dungeon Images