Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca

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Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca is the princess of Dalmasca and twin to Prince Rasler. During the invasion of the Garlean Empire, it was believed that she had died, similarly to her brother. In truth, she had been secreted away by the organization Saraab and put to sleep so she could rise again one day and lead a resistance against the Empire. This was to help convince the people during the invasion to surrender so they may live, instead of continuing to fight a losing battle.

When Dalmasca finally began to rise up against the Empire, Ashe was reawakened. She had forgotten much, but not the love she had for her homeland. She began leading the resistance named Lente's Tears and rallied her people around her. Though many did not know or believe she could be the princess given her age, they stood behind her all the same. When Dalmasca finally shook free the shackles of the Empire, Ashe revealed herself to all her people, telling them she was the rightful heir to the throne. Currently, she is uniting her people as one and rebuilding their home.