Rowena's Token (Soldiery)

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Rowena's Token (Soldiery)

Item type
Vendor Value
Gil 1

A note of promise received from Rowena for the delivery of Allagan tomestones of soldiery or poetics. However, due to the House of Splendors changing its policies, it is now worth less than the paper on which it is scribed.

— In-game description

Rowena's Token (Soldiery) is a Other (Other) item that can be used to purchase item level 100 Weathered Weapons from Rowena in Mor Dhona (x22, y6) along with Unidentified Allagan Tomestone. 10 Rowena's Token (Soldiery) are needed to purchase a weathered non-paladin weapon while 7 is needed to purchase the weathered paladin weapon.

Obtained By

Purchased From

Purchased from Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6) for 50 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics.