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Glamours is A Realm Reborn's Vanity System. It allows the player to transform the appearance of his or her gear into that of other gear. The transformation only affect the appearance of that piece of gear and does not affect its stats. It allows the player to take on various appearances, regardless of the gear he or she is wearing.

The glamour system can be used on all gear the same or lower equipment level than your current gear. After using a glamour prism, the gear being copied can be entrusted to your retainer. As long as the base gear and the gear being copied occupy the same number of gear slots, you can copy the appearance of any gear equippable by your current class or job. Glamour Dressers were added in Patch 4.2, allowing for 400 items to be stored at the cost of 1 Glamour Prism (each) and their appearance can be reused over and over. They are found in Inn Rooms.

  • The glamour system was introduced in Patch 2.2.
  • The glamour system was updated in Patch 4.2 to standardize Prism type and Glamour process.


From patch 4.1 onward, players only need to be level 15+ to unlock Glamours. Old unlock quests Feature QuestA Self-improving Man and Feature QuestSubmission Impossible can now be done at level 15. Requirements for recipe books and recipes are also reduced to level 15.

Additionally, new, alternative unlock quests have been added in Vesper Bay in Western Thanalan:

Feature QuestIf I Had a Glamour

Feature QuestAbsolutely Glamourous


Requirements and Restrictions

Glamours may be cast with any items that meet the following conditions:

  1. The base and projected items are of the same type.
  2. The equipment level of the projected item is equal to or lower than the base item. (Note that this is not the item level, it's the minimum character level that can use the item)
  3. The base item and projected item can be equipped by the same class or job.
  4. The base item and projected item can be equipped by the same gender or race.

For gear occupying more than one gear slot, one the following conditions must be met in addition to the above:

  1. The base item and projected item occupy the same gear slots.
  2. All of the projected item's gear slots fall within the base item's gear slots.
    1. For example you can project a robe (body slot) onto a cowl (head and body slots) but cannot project a cowl onto a robe.
  • The equipment requirements of a glamoured item are identical to the base item.
  • The appearance of the base item will be used in the event your current class cannot equip the projected item.


Cast Glamour

  1. A piece of equipment can be manually cast as a glamour onto another piece of equipment if you are carrying both of them in your inventory or armoury chest.
  2. It costs one glamour prism to cast a glamour.
  3. Right click or open the subcommand menu of the item you want to keep the stats of, but change the appearance of.
  4. Choose "Cast Glamour"
  5. On the left, a list of equipment you own will be displayed. This list displays which items will keep their stats but change their appearance.
  6. On the right, a list of equipment you own will be displayed. This is the list of items you can apply the appearance of onto the equipment chosen on the left list.
  7. Choose the item on the right list you want to make the item on the left look like. If you cannot cast a glamour due to a level or class restriction it will be greyed out.
  8. A window will open with two entries: the base item will preserve its stats, but take on the appearance of the appearance item. It will cost one glamour prism. Choose "cast" to confirm.
  9. Both items will be bound to you if they are not already bound. The base item will keep its stats, but look like the appearance item when equipped.

Glamour Creation

  1. Note the Requirements and Restrictions above — the glamour will only work if is it equal to or below the level of the item you apply it to. Note that it's the "level" (as in the minimum level the character has to be) NOT the "item level" which affects whether the glamour will work.
  2. Ensure that you have a Glamour Prism.
  3. Ensure that you're in possession of an item which you want to use the appearance of but which you're happy to store temporarily.
  4. Ensure that the item you're going to turn into a glamour is not equipped.
  5. Go to your Glamour Dresser, there's one in your Inn room and in the Grand Company squadron room, and use it.
  6. Two windows will open. On the right is the Glamour Creation window.
  7. If it's in your inventory, rather than your armoury, you'll be able to find the item in the list right now.
  8. If it's in your armoury click on "Location" and then the relevant section. At this point you should be able to find the item.
  9. Either way, once you've found it, click on it.
  10. Make sure you've selected the right item before you take "Yes" from the dialog, because once you've done that the item you've chosen will be temporarily stored in the Glamour Dresser and it will become a glamour (and a Glamour Prism will be used up).
  11. You can retrieve an item placed in the glamour dresser using the Restore Item subcommand. It will be placed in your inventory or armoury chest, and bound to you.

Glamour Plate Creation

Once you have one or more glamours you can apply them either individually or in groups to a Glamour Plate.

  1. Go to your Glamour Dresser, there's one in your Inn room, and use it.
  2. Two windows will open. On the left is the Glamour Dresser window.
  3. Click on "Edit Glamour Plates"
  4. The Glamour Plate Creation window opens.
  5. Click on the plate you want to set up, one of the numbered buttons at the top. A plate is a term for an outfit, although it won't necessarily overwrite the entire outfit, i.e. you don't have to fill all the slots to use it.
  6. To either side of the image of you are the slots.
  7. Click one of the ones for which you've created a glamour.
  8. Click the glamour in the Gear Selection window.
  9. Repeat the above two steps until you have the outfit you'll want to apply.
  10. Click Save.

Glamour Plate Application

  1. Put on the items you want to change the appearance of.
  2. Either
    1. Go to your Glamour Dresser, there's one in your Inn room, and use it.
    2. Two windows will open. On the left is the Glamour Dresser window.
    3. Click on "Edit Glamour Plates"
    4. OR
    5. (While within a city) Open your Character window and click on the Glamour Plate button
  3. The Glamour Plate Creation window or the Plate Selection window opens (respectively).
  4. Click on the plate you want apply to the items you're wearing, one of the numbered buttons at the top.
  5. Click "Apply"

If the items you're wearing fulfil the Requirements and don't conflict with the Restrictions then all the items you're wearing that are in slots that are in the Plate should change their appearance.

Removing Glamours

When in possession of a glamour dispeller, the Remove option will be available in the Cast Glamour interface.

Glamour Prism

Players need to have Glamour Prism in his or her inventory to cast Glamour. As of 4.2, all past armor-specific prisms may be traded in at the Calamity Salvager for the new, generic Glamour Prism.

  • Glamour Prism: For projecting the appearance of equipment item.

Obtaining Glamour Prism

Aside from crafting, Glamour Prisms can also be bought from one of the Grand Companies for 200 Grand Company Seal.

Crafting Prisms

Each crafting class may create a generic Glamour Prism when the recipe is learned. The generic prism works for all armor types.

After completing the quest Submission Impossible, players will be able to purchase master recipe books, as well as the clear prisms needed to craft glamour prisms.

Clear prisms can purchased from the following Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X9,Y11), Maisenta in New Gridania (X11, Y11) and Roarich in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X10,Y9).

Egi Glamours

Egi Glamours

Adventurer Squadrons Member Glamours

Adventurer Squadrons Member Glamours

Glamour Dressers

Glamour Dressers