Mol Tribe
“"The Mol are lambs among wolves. Long were we content ot remain apart and live quietly..."
— Cirina of the Mol
The Mol are a very small tribe in the northeast corner of the Azim Steppe. Given the tribes size and age, they often don't win-or even compete-in the Nadaam.
Amongst the fifty tribes that live on the Azim Steppe, the Mol are considered unexceptional. they herd various animals and keep to themselves in their corner of the Steppe. They are amongst the weakest tribe and often do not take part in the Nadaam. Things changed for them when Cirina, at the behest of her Khatun who had a vision, went to the mountains and found a dying Hien Rijin. The tribe took him in and nursed him back to health, and he resolved to return to his homeland someday at the head of a Xaela army. When the Warrior of Light and crew showed up, they bolstered the Mol and led them to victory in the most recent Nadaam, making them the current leaders of the Xaela tribes of the Steppe.
The Mol are the most devout tribe. their leader is th Udgan, one who can communicate with the old gods.
Notable Members
Cirina: Also known as "Cirina of the Laughing Reeds". She was sent to the mountains on the will of the Khatun, and was the one who found and rescued Lord Hien. Like many of the Mol tribe, she does not wish to battle, and would instead prefer to live a quiet life herding animals and in good company. She is the next in line to serve as the Udgan once her grandmother, the current Udgan, passes away. Like all other Xaela who reside on the Steppe, she is a warrior in her own right, having passed through the trials of Bardam's Mettle. Wishing to be more like Bardam the Brave, she fashioned herself a bow called The Singing Rainbow from wood, a rare commodity on the Steppe.
Temulun of the Mol: The current leader and Udgan of the Mol. She possesses tremendous power even for an udgan and is said she need only hear the winds of the Azim Steppe to hear the will of the old gods. She takes her dedication to the old gods seriously, and they ask much of her. She had sent her own son and daughter beyond the Steppe on a journey that the old gods bade, and only her son returned with knowledge of new lands. Her son would also fall in time in service of the old gods. She wears the Shawl of Whispers, a white garment that represents spiritual purity and forbids the wearer of taking any life-even of animals-and must remain free of blood.