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Ifrit is a boss found in Bowl of Embers. He is the fire primal worshiped by the Amalj'aa.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ifrits horn icon1.png  Ifrit's Horn Material N/A ABasic 1
Inferno horn icon1.png  Inferno Horn Material N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Bowl of Embers Unknown 20
Bowl of Embers (Hard) Unknown 50
Bowl of Embers (Extreme) Unknown 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Lord of the Inferno Main Scenario quest 20 Minfilia Warde
Ifrit Ain't Broke Feature quest 50 Urianger
Primal Focus Repeatable Feature quest 50 Laraina

Additional Information


Gather round, now, and learn you of the fiery god of the Amalj'aa. A demon wreathed in ever-shrieking flames, Ifrit's breath sears with furnace heat. His blistering talons turn iron to slag, His smoldering horns char the heavens, and those who oppose His all-consuming rage perish screaming in a hell of primal fire.
- Amalj'aa Folktale.

When the Amalj'aa summoned the Lord of the Inferno, their ritual prayers were suffused with a fanatical desire to crush the forces of Uld'ah and reclaim their holy lands. Scholars speculate that the rampaging Ifrit and his inexhaustible wrath is the concentrated spiritual fervor made manifest.

Original Myth

The creation myth of the Amalj'aa holds that, in the beginning, there was only Ifrit. The world he spawned was filled with beasts bereft of reason or intellect, each fighting an endless, mindless battle for survival. But there was one race of great lizards whose ferocity so pleased the Lord of the Inferno that he bequeathed unto them flickering motes shared from his own primordial flame.

This sacred fire took purchase in the lizards' souls, burning away frailty and weakness, and from the ashes of their transformation stepped the first warriors of the Amalj'aa. Seven males and seven females there were, and from their joining were born seven tribes. It is told that the tribes ranged far and wide, and ruled all that walked or crawled upon the land.

Known in the present day as Zanr'ak, the place where Ifrit is said to have blessed the Amalj'aa ancestors has been a site of enduring conflict down through the centuries. Once Belah'dia, and now Uld'ah, the lizard-like beastmen will make a foe of any who infringe opon the blasted territory they believe kissed by the holy flames of their god.
