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Template:Action Infobox

Ninjutsu is a level 30 Ninja Action.

Ninjutsu Actions

The Ninjutsu action can perform one of several specific actions based on the combination of mudras made immediately beforehand. These individual actions can only be executed by using Ninjutsu, and cannot be assigned to the hotbar, nor activated from the Actions & Traits interface. The level is based of when you can first use the Ninjutsu.

Action Icon Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description Mudra Combination
Fuma Shuriken Fuma Shuriken.png Instant 20s 25y 0y Delivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 240. Any one of the Ten, Chi, or Jin mudra
Katon Katon.png Instant 20s 15y ??y Delivers fire damage with a potency of 180 to target and all enemies near it. Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten
Raiton Raiton.png Instant 20s 15y 0y Delivers lightning damage with a potency of 360. Ten→Chi or Jin→Chi
Hyoton Hyoton.png Instant 20s 25y 0y Delivers ice damage with a potency of 140.
Additional Effect: Bind for 15s (PvP 12s).
Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin
Huton Huton icon2.png Instant 20s 0y 0y Increases attack speed by 15%. for 70s Jin→Chi→Ten or Chi→Jin→Ten
Doton Doton.png Instant 20s 0y ??y Creates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 30 to any enemies who enter for 24s.
Additional Effect: Heavy (while upon corrupted earth)
Ten→Jin→Chi or Jin→Ten→Chi
Suiton Suiton.png Instant 20s 15y 0y Delivers water damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Grants the caster Suiton for 10s.
Ten→Chi→Jin or Chi→Ten→Jin
Rabbit Medium Rabbit Medium.png Instant 20s 0y 0y Thumpity thump thump, thumpity thump thump... After you mess up a Mudra Combination…

Tips and Tricks


Template:Rogue and Ninja