Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks

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Revision as of 08:39, 27 December 2021 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs) (added map)
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Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Rain.png Clouds.png

Limsa lominsa upper decks.jpg
Map of Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks

ARR Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks.png
View of Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks

As Lominsans have precious little room to build outwards, they have spent many generations building towards the skies. The upper decks have thus come to weave their way around the Mizzenmast, and extend to outlying towers along bridges of stone and wood.

— In-game description

Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks is a zone in La Noscea.


Area Points of Interest
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
Marauder's Guild
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
Culinarians' Guild
Mail (map icon).png
Delivery Moogle
Inn (map icon).png
Mizzenmast Inn
Landmark (map icon).png
Crow's Lift
Landmark (map icon).png
Maelstrom Barracks
Limsa Lominsa (map icon).png
Maelstrom Command
Landmark (map icon).png
The Aftcastle
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
The Aftcastle
Landmark (map icon).png
The Missing Member
Landmark (map icon).png
Anchor Yard
Landmark (map icon).png
Tempest Gate


Limsa Lominsa Sidequests

Shops & Services

Vendor Name Vendor Location
Smydhaemr X:10.6, Y:15.1
Soemrwyb X:10.6, Y:15.1
Recompense Officer (Limsa Lominsa) X:11.2, Y:14.3
Calamity Salvager (Limsa Lominsa) X:11.4, Y:14.4
Holasfhis X:10.4, Y:13.7
Storm Quartermaster X:13.2, Y:12.8
Hunt Billmaster (Maelstrom) X:13.2, Y:12.5
Jossy X:9.9, Y:7.9
Z'ranmaia X:11.4, Y:8.2
OIC Quartermaster (Maelstrom) X:13.2, Y:12.6
