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Words without Sound

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Revision as of 22:20, 12 December 2021 by Royalbloodi (talk | contribs) (Updated the last 3 locations for finding Meteion. Added the 3rd location. 1st two locations should be checked.)
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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Words without Sound

Quest giver
Elpis (X:20.5, Y:9.0)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 495,000
Gil 1,109
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestHunger in the Garden
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFollow, Wander, Stumble, Listen

Emet-Selch seems content to stay where he is.

— In-game description


  • Search the area for Meteion.
  • Search for Meteion beneath the Hungering Gardens.
  • Search for Meteion north of the Hungering Gardens.
  • Search for Meteion east of the Hungering Gardens.
  • Speak with Hermes.



  • 1st Spot (x:21.8 y:10.4 z:2.9)
  • 2nd Spot (x:25.4 y:8.3 z:2.5)
  • 3rd Spot (x:21.7 y:10.4 z:2.8)
  • 4th Spot (x:23.9 y:10.8 z:2.5)
  • 5th Spot (x:25.4 y:8.3 z:2.5)
Words without Sound - full cutscenes



  • Hermes said he would not be long, yes? Then we shall wait here until he emerges...


  • My apologies for keeping you waiting. I understand there is a matter you wish to discuss.


  • Aye, a matter of the utmost gravity...if one can suspend disbelief.
  • Go on, then. Tell him what you told us. Who you are and why you came.


  • The Final Days...


  • The phenomena observed during these star-encompassing calamities is likely the product of a dynamis reaction.
  • And none is more versed in the applications of this energy than you, Hermes.
  • I must stress that we do not believe you would desire such destruction. We come not to lodge accusations, but to beg your wisdom.
  • And so, distressing though the exercise may be, I ask that you share with us your opinion on the matter─on the assumption that our visitor's tale is true.


  • Even you, Venat...
  • As you say, the phenomena observed in the two calamities may both be attributed to dynamis.
  • Of note is the difference in its effect. In the first Final Days, it warped creation magicks. In the second, it warped the people themselves.
  • The key variable, I suspect, is the aetheric density of the men of each age.
  • As you know, aether, in essence, negates dynamis.
  • Harboring high concentrations of aether, we ancients cannot readily manipulate dynamis─nor be manipulated by it. Therefore, rather than our selves, the calamity affected our magicks.
  • In contrast, having been sundered, the people of the future are composed of but a fraction of our aether.
  • Thus are they susceptible to the influence of dynamis─and its transformative potential.
  • But that would explain only the mechanism, not the cause... Though perhaps...


  • What is it? Even should it be a hypothesis, we would hear it.


  • Dynamis is an energy put in motion by feelings. Feelings for which there must first exist a source.
  • A source to which the victims must be attuned─one that harbors the selfsame negative emotions. Elsewise, it could not be the agent of such extreme change.


  • So it wasn't the stagnation of the celestial currents...
  • Someone─or something─is instigating the star's demise.


  • So we've a villain on our hands after all... Any idea who or what it could be?


  • The celestial currents comprise the outermost layer of the star's aether, encasing it like a protective sphere.
  • According to your tale, 'twas where the currents were weakest that the phenomena first manifested.
  • If the inciting factor came from without Etheirys, then its effects would first be seen in those locations.


  • Greetings. Can you hear me?
  • Do not be alarmed ─ I mean you no harm.
  • I wish only to hear your words. Share your feelings. Know your thoughts.
  • May we please...be friends?


  • Meteion? What is it?


  • Executing scheduled task. Suspending individual self and connecting to shared consciousness.
  • Connection established. Commencing status report.
  • Ah! Ahhh! Ahhhhhh!
  • It hurts, it hurts! It hurts!
  • So hot...so cold...so sad... I don't understand... Make it stop... Please, make it stop...


  • Steady, Meteion! Steady!


  • So scared...so lonely... The pain...it's too much...
  • Why...why...why do we...they...hurt...hurt...hate...HATE!
  • This is wrong! All wrong!


  • She's...gone? But how?


  • She has altered her aetheric density in order to blend in with her surroundings. An ability for avoiding confrontation.


  • Most effective...frustratingly so. I can't see her either─not even a trace.


  • Stay away. Please. This is wrong. My mistake. So please...


  • Are you all right?
  • ...In your mind? No, we only heard her speak the instant before she vanished.


  • Of course. When communicating without words, Meteion also employs dynamis.
  • That would explain why you were able to hear her when we could not.


  • Then you are our best chance of finding her. Follow her voice, and try to track her down.
  • Hindered though we may be, let us split up and search as well.


  • It seeps...into my mind... Our voices... Reporting...
  • No, no! Hermes mustn't hear them! I have to run...to hide...


  • Greetings...and salutations...


  • Commencing report...
  • Oh...oh no, we can't tell them that! We must run... Run far away!
  • Please... Don't follow me...
  • How...? How did it come to this...?
  • Is this the reason we traveled to the stars? Why we sought out other life-forms?
  • Is this it? Is this the answer!? No, it cannot be...it cannot be!


  • Compiling report for dissemination to Hermes and all peoples of Etheirys...


  • Processing expedition data... Preparing profiles on intelligent civilizations...
  • Formulating answers to the question...
  • Finalizing report...
  • No, Player... You mustn't listen!
  • It's wrong...it's all wrong...


  • Any sign of Meteion?
  • Panicked and confused... Which will make it all the more difficult to predict her movements.


  • Hermes. What do you make of this situation?


  • The Meteia are linked to a single mind─a shared consciousness which connects them across any distance. I suspect something has happened which disrupted its usual harmony...


  • How might we access this shared consciousness of theirs?


  • Much as you would approach any sentient being: directly.
  • In the Meteia's case, that means speaking to any incarnation within physical reach.


  • So unless we can track down the Meteion we just lost, we have no means to communicate with them...
  • No way of knowing what befell her sisters; no way to provide directions or guidance.


  • Then we had best set our musings aside, and concentrate on how we might find her!


  • Oh, my dear Meteion... What did you witness out there that frightened you so?
  • Why do you seek to keep it from us? How terrible could it possibly be...?