User:Mushroom Sylvari

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Revision as of 00:59, 12 December 2021 by Mushroom Sylvari (talk | contribs)
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Haurchefant is always with you!

We fight as one.
Mynh'a Rhixuwe

Lover: Airhi'a Nhevku
Race: Miqo'te
Class/Job[?]: White Mage frame icon.png White Mage
Gender: Male
Disciple of the Hand[?]: Culinarian frame icon.png Culinarian Alchemist frame icon.png Alchemist Weaver frame icon.png Weaver
Disciple of the Land[?]: Botanist frame icon.png Botanist
Airhi'a Nhevku

Lover: Mynh'a Rhixuwe
Race: Miqo'te
Class/Job[?]: Bard frame icon.png Bard Dragoon frame icon.png Dragoon
Gender: Male
Disciple of the Hand[?]: Carpenter frame icon.png Carpenter Leatherworker frame icon.png Leatherworker Goldsmith frame icon.png Goldsmith
Disciple of the Land[?]: Fisher frame icon.png Fisher
Haurchefant is always with you!
Favorite Characters Dote.png
G'raha / Haurchefant
The Warrior of Light
Alphinaud / Alisaie
Ardbert Aymeric Severian
Esugen Akagi Sidurgu
M'zhet Baidur Guydelot
Foulques Magnai Tataru
Erenville Cyr Kai-Shirr
Azem Hythlodaeus Hades