- See also: Shadowbringers
Bear forth our hope,
that these days not be the last!
Endwalker (considered version 6.0 of the game) will be the fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Shadowbringers. It was released on 7 December 2021 with early access started on December 3rd.
Endwalker brings the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark to a conclusion eons in the making. To unravel its mysteries and conquer its challenges will be no common feat. May these records of key figures, looming adversaries, and lands yet untraveled serve you well.
Yet shadowed by their triumph in the First, the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn are home at last. An even greater calamity than refulgent oblivion has been building in their absence, however─a second advent of the Final Days. Should all despair, the myriad conflicts that now ravage the land cannot but foretoken an end to life in the Source.
Our tale─of a star, and of its souls─will see the Warrior of Light sail north to Sharlayan and east to Thavnair, forge a path to the heart of the Garlean Empire, and ascend to the heavens to set foot upon the very moon itself. FINAL FANTASY XIV's first grand saga approaches its highly anticipated conclusion!
- New jobs: Sage (Healer), Reaper (Melee DPS).
- Male Viera
- Female Hrothgar will be added at a later date.
- Level cap increase to 90
- Island Sanctuary
- New Locations: Old Sharlayan (Major city), Radz-at-han (Minor city), Labyrinthos, Thavnair, Garlemald, Mare Lamentorum and other unannounced areas.
- New Dungeons
- New Raids: Pandaemonium (8-player raid series), Myths of the Realm (24-player alliance raid series)
- Both raid series will be FFXIV originals; they will not be crossovers.
- New Primals: Anima, The Magus Sisters
- New Beastmen: Arkasodara, Loporrits
- New Trust NPC: Estinien
- Unspecified Gold Saucer update
- New Residential District in Ishgard: Empyreum
- New small-scale PvP mode
- Stat Squish
- To reduce inventory bloat, certain items (mainly gathered materials) will no longer be available as HQ.
- Belts removed
- With the data freed up from the removal of belts, 15 additional armory chest slots will be added for weapons, 15 slots for rings, and 5 slots will be reserved for later use.
- Data Center Travel
- New Data Center region: Oceania (Materia datacenter)
- Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions in Japan and Australia, the new Data Center may not be ready in time for 6.0, but is expected to be ready for 6.1.
- All servers in the Materia datacenter will be classified as "New" allowing for free transfers and other incentives.
- PlayStation 5 version
- The PlayStation 5 version will offer better quality 4k HD graphics (Including user interface), much faster load times (Due to the SSD), and improved frame rates.
Pre-order Bonuses
Wind-up Palom Minion
Menphina's Earring - Increases EXP when leveling, iLvl scales
Collector's Edition
200px Arion Mount
Wind-up Porom Minion
Death Scythe Scythe
Theme Song
The theme song for Endwalker is called Endwalker - Footfalls and it features performances by Architects vocalist Sam Carter and compositions by FFXIV’s very own THE PRIMALS.