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A Sentimental Gift

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A Sentimental Gift

Quest giver
Elpis (X:8.2, Y:31.9)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 488,400
Gil 1,438
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAether to Aether
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Main Scenario QuestVerdict and Execution

You needn't be an entelechy to feel the weight bearing down on Hermes.

— In-game description


  • Speak with Meteion and have her accompany you.
  • Examine flowers at the Twelve Wonders while accompanied by Meteion.
  • Look for flowers while accompanied by Meteion.
  • Speak with Meteion.





  • I fear this discussion may take a while, during which time...
  • Meteion? Are you feeling unwell?


  • It's not me, Hermes. It's you...
  • I won't go to the meeting. I'll stay with Telsak.


  • Loath though I am to impose, may I leave Meteion in your care again?
  • I'm in your debt. If you'll excuse me...


  • Can you help me with something, Player?
  • The meeting will make Hermes sad. I want to cheer him up. With a flower.
  • Hermes likes flowers the most. Of all the creations in Elpis.
  • Most creations are expected to be interesting. Or beautiful. Or strong. Better in some way.
  • But flowers are different. They're designed to suit our emotions. What we feel and want to convey. Hermes likes that.
  • I can't make flowers. So I'll search for one. And I want you to search with me.
  • Let's start here. At the Twelve Wonders.
  • Oooh, so big and bright! I love them!
  • ...But they might be too bright. You have to think of the recipient. That's what Hermes said.
  • No flowers... If there were apples, we could've covered them in syrup...
  • Let's head outside next. Don't worry─we won't wander far.
  • These would be better for Hermes...but they're hedged in.
  • That means we shouldn't touch them. They're either under observation or poisonous.
  • Any other place should be fine, though. Let's keep looking!
  • Oh, a coneion! A flower that can move!
  • When Hermes wasn't looking, it shot seeds at him. Not a good gift, maybe...
  • But you're good, Player ─- at spotting flowers! We'll find something soon!
  • Hmmm, nothing around here... Ah!
  • Over there, Player! Something big! Huge!
  • It's an adonis! The things around its mouth look like petals. But the flowers are the orbs on its head!
  • When Hermes inspected it, it swallowed him up. He didn't leave his room for days. What do you think, Player? Would he like it?
  • So not this one either...
  • Finding a good flower... It's harder than I thought.
  • I'm sorry, Player, but could we search a little more? Maybe as far as the fields over there. I'll pick something after that, I promise.
  • Awww... There's nothing...
  • ...Hm? The shiny thing over there. What could it be?
  • Ooh, Elpis flowers! They're here too!
  • Hermes likes and dislikes them. At the same time.
  • Like me, they're entelechies. Like me, they feel his pain and turn dark...
  • That's only for Hermes, though. For others, they're always white and bright.
  • Truly!? The flower was dark in your home!?
  • Then...do you have it too? A dark emotion?
  • I see...
  • Hermes has known the same. The feeling that a part of you is gone. Again and again. But no one notices...
  • Please, Player. Won't you lend it to me? Your pain and sorrow...
  • I want you to make the flower dark. In front of Hermes.
  • He has been in a dark place. Since before he created me. He needs to know that he isn't there alone. That others are sad too.
  • Truly? You'll do it?
  • Thank you, Player! Thank you! It means more to me than I can say!
  • I can't wait to see how Hermes reacts! Let's go back and fetch him!
  • It seems they're still talking. Let's wait until they've finished.
  • Hermes!


  • Oh... You were waiting for me.


  • You've finished talking?


  • Yes. We've come to a decision.
  • My thanks for keeping Meteion company.
  • Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus have already retired to their rooms.
  • There is a room for you too, if you would follow me.


  • Wait! I want to show you something first.


  • Elpis flowers...?


  • Go on!
  • You're not the only one, Hermes. Others feel sad too. You're not alone.


  • I see Meteion has shared much with you.
  • May we talk a moment?
  • I do not think it wrong that we live for the star. That we strive to make it a better place.
  • And yet, in carrying out my duties here, there are times when I am plagued by doubt.
  • Do you recall what Hythlodaeus said, when we first spoke of my nomination?
  • Death is the privilege of those who have fulfilled their purpose. A choice they embrace of their own free will. And when they depart, it is always beautiful.
  • Perhaps it is...but only for man.
  • Creations that he deems useless are discarded with nary a second thought.
  • Some scarcely born into the world. Afforded a handful of breaths before life and potential are abruptly extinguished.
  • We make an effort to spare them the pain. But they sense what awaits. Rage in anguish and cower in fear...and it is not beautiful.
  • Yet no one cares. No one.
  • So fixated are we upon the duty that we do not pause to question the method.
  • Pain and suffering... Confusion and despair... Writ plain in the eyes of those poor creatures.
  • Yet no one sees. We turn a blind eye and carry on in blissful ignorance. Naught amiss, and always─always the blossoms shine pure and white.
  • A contradiction so blatant I could scream. Want to scream. How can you all accept this...aberration!?
  • Then I wonder...am I the aberration for thinking thus? And I am filled with dread...
  • But now I know I'm not alone. Not the only one for whom the flowers weep.
  • I won't ask what you thought as you kneeled beside the Elpis. Or if you only did it at Meteion's insistence.
  • Nevertheless...I thank you.
  • To know that you too have experienced suffering...is a comfort.
  • To so willingly lend an ear to ease my burden... You are a strange one.
  • The stars in the heavens... Know you what they are?
  • Though it is too far to tell, each glittering light could be a world not unlike Etheirys. A world filled with life.
  • So many stars, so many lives... For us, there may be no higher purpose than to live for our world, but what of the other living beings out there?
  • What is it that gives their lives meaning? That drives them day after day after day?
  • To pose that question to our undiscovered cousins, I created beings of dynamis, who can traverse the vast emptiness between the stars. Meteion and her sisters.
  • Aye, sisters.
  • She has a great many of them, and they have already departed on their journey. Traveling to one star, and then the next, in search of life.
  • As one might expect, exploration on such a grand scale is rife with difficulties, and thus far I've naught to show for it.
  • But I have faith that we will make some manner of discovery ere long.
  • And when we do, I should be glad to share our findings with you, in gratitude for your kindness.
  • ...It's getting rather late. We had best find our beds. 'Twould not do for both of us to be sleep-deprived on the morrow.
  • Come, Meteion! Let us head back.


  • All right!