- Type
- Area
- Zone
- Northern Thanalan
“Though abundant on the northern continent of Ilsabard, only a handful of ceruleum deposits have ever been discovered on Aldenard, the largest being buried under the Sea of Spires in northern Thanalan. Ceruleum is a highly unstable substance and will begin to evaporate when in contact with air, resulting in the bluish haze from which the area earns its name.
— In-game description
Bluefog is an area in Northern Thanalan, Thanalan.
East and West Watchtower
To power their legions of warmachina, the Garleans require a steady supply of the aether-based fuel known as ceruleum. With Bluefog housing the largest deposit in Eorzea, the Empire has begun their own mining operation but a stone's throw from the allied refineries, heightening tensions in the area and prompting the construction of two watchtowers.
Abandoned Amajina Mythril Mine
The discovery of mythril in a small copper mine in Bluefog triggered the Great Rush (also known as the Mad Mythril Rush) which saw would-be prospectors flock to the Sea of Spires in search of quick and easy fortune. The veins that ran through the mountains, however, were not deep, and it was but ten summers before the mines ceased to yield the precious metal, forcing many to abandon their claims. Now the shafts serve as hideouts for remnants of the Lambs of Dalamud, a doomsday cult that rose in popularity at the end of the Sixth Astral Era.
Dalamud's Talons
Grim monuments to the Calamity's coming, Dalamud's Talons are relatively small formations of corrupted crystal. People have given them their fearsome name as they are thought to resemble the mighty claws of Menphina's loyal hound.
The Praetorium
Castrum Meridianum is the southernmost stronghold of the XIVth Imperial Legion. Inside it stands the Praetorium, a fortress within a fortress and the command center of the invading legion. the Castrum is also one stop of the Phantom Train, a monstrous machine used to transport ordinance to Castrum Centri in Mor Dhona.