Magitek Armor (Mount)
“This suit of Garlean-developed reaper-class magitek battle armor has had its original control systems purged and replaced with a new, modified core built by Cid of the Garlond Ironworks.
At last, our very own suit of magitek armor! - Cid Garlond— In-game description
Magitek Armor is a mount that can be acquired after completing the Main Scenario Quest The Ultimate Weapon. It has two aesthetic abilities that can be acquired by completing the quest Magiteknical Difficulties. Magitek Cannon fires an explosive projectile at a designated area, while Photon Stream fires a short-range burst of energy in front of you.
To unlock the mount, use the Armor Identification Key received as a reward from Minfilia when turning in The Ultimate Weapon. If you accidentally discarded the key, you can receive another from a Calamity Salvager.