Water Crystal

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Revision as of 23:05, 8 August 2021 by JohnnySolas (talk | contribs)
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Water Crystal

Item type
Blacksmith frame icon.png 50
Alchemist frame icon.png 30
Culinarian frame icon.png 30

A crystalline manifestation of aetheric water energy.

— In-game description

Obtained By


Node Area Level Req. Perception Respawn Coordinates
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 30 Mature Tree «6»
Bloodshore (Eastern La Noscea) 26 (X:27.8, Y:33.7)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 30 Rocky Outcrop «6»
Hammerlea (Western Thanalan) 26 (X:23.5, Y:23.2)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 50 Mature Tree «6»
Raincatcher Gully (Eastern La Noscea) 26 (X:17.1, Y:32.2)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Mineral Deposit «5»
The Turquoise Trench (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:17.1, Y:35.7)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Mature Tree «5»
Voor Sian Siran (The Sea of Clouds) 26 (X:26.4, Y:33.4)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Mineral Deposit «6»
Voor Sian Siran (The Sea of Clouds) 26 (X:34.8, Y:30.5)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Lush Vegetation «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:36.7, Y:17.2)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation «5»
East Othard Coastline (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:8.9, Y:7)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mature Tree «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:20.7, Y:6.8)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mineral Deposit «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:24.1, Y:35.9)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Rocky Outcrop «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:12.1, Y:17.8)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation «5»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:12.8, Y:14.3)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Mineral Deposit «5»
Longmirror Lake (Il Mheg) 26 (X:33.3, Y:30.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation «5»
Longmirror Lake (Il Mheg) 26 (X:30.3, Y:36.6)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Rocky Outcrop «6»
Rasen Kaikyo (The Ruby Sea) 26 (X:39.4, Y:3.8)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Lush Vegetation «7»
Good Jenanna's Grace (Il Mheg) 26 (X:11.1, Y:24)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Mineral Deposit «5»
The Gauntlet (The Sea of Clouds) 26 (X:29.9, Y:7.5)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Rocky Outcrop «5»
The Citia Swamps (The Rak'tika Greatwood) 26 (X:15.4, Y:20)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Mineral Deposit «5»
Good Jenanna's Grace (Il Mheg) 26 (X:6.5, Y:18.9)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Mature Tree «5»
Voeburtenburg (Il Mheg) 26 (X:31.9, Y:5.1)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Mineral Deposit «5»
The Blind Forest of Yx'Maja (The Rak'tika Greatwood) 26 (X:25.6, Y:29.1)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Lush Vegetation «5»
Ostrakon Tria (Ultima Thule) 26 (X:13.1, Y:14.2)
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Ephemeral Mineral Deposit «5»
The K'mul Astropolis (The Rak'tika Greatwood) 26 12AM-4AM (X:22.4, Y:11.8)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Lush Vegetation «5»
Elysion (Ultima Thule) 26 (X:6.3, Y:7.4)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 85 Rocky Outcrop «5»
Voeburtenburg (Il Mheg) 26 (X:31.6, Y:11.3)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 85 Lush Vegetation «5»
Good Jenanna's Grace (Il Mheg) 26 (X:18, Y:9.9)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 85 Rocky Outcrop «5»
The Medial Circuit (Labyrinthos) 26 (X:22.7, Y:12)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 85 Mineral Deposit «5»
The Outer Circuit (Labyrinthos) 26 (X:32.3, Y:9.6)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Lush Vegetation «6»
Reah Tahra (Ultima Thule) 26 (X:14.2, Y:28.6)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Mature Tree «5»
Ostrakon Deka-okto (Ultima Thule) 26 (X:7.5, Y:21.6)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 95 Mature Tree
The Ja Tiika Heartland (Yak T'el) 26 (X:20.1, Y:24.5)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 95 Lush Vegetation
The Xobr'it Cinderfield (Yak T'el) 26 (X:34.3, Y:22.7)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 95 Lush Vegetation
The Ut'ohmu Horizon (Yak T'el) 26 (X:19.2, Y:11.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 100 Lush Vegetation
The Xobr'it Cinderfield (Yak T'el) 26 (X:27.8, Y:15.4)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 100 Lush Vegetation
The Xobr'it Cinderfield (Yak T'el) 26 (X:29.1, Y:5.1)

Dropped By

Used For