Saurian Leather

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Revision as of 22:44, 12 July 2021 by JohnnySolas (talk | contribs)
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Saurian Leather

Item type
Material type
Carpenter frame icon.png 60
Blacksmith frame icon.png 50
Armorer frame icon.png 60
Leatherworker frame icon.png 50
Weaver frame icon.png 50
Alchemist frame icon.png 50
Vendor Value
Gil 1 HQ icon.png Gil 2

A large piece of cured saurian skin.

— In-game description


Crafting Recipe

Saurian Leather
Master Leatherworker I
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
50 ★★★
Max quality
Quick Synthesis
QS requirements
Craftsmanship: 451
High Quality
Craftsmanship req.
Control req.

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Augmented saurian shirt of striking icon1.png  Augmented Saurian Shirt of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker: Demimateria)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Augmented saurian tabard of aiming icon1.png  Augmented Saurian Tabard of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker: Demimateria)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Choral attire augmentation icon1.png  Choral Attire Augmentation
(Learned from: Master Alchemist I)
ABasic Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 50 ★★★
Levin barding icon1.png  Levin Barding ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Murderous moggle mogfists icon1.png  Murderous Moggle Mogfists
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker: Demimateria)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
New world armlets icon1.png  New World Armlets
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
New world hose icon1.png  New World Hose
(Learned from: Master Weaver I)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 50 ★★★
New world jacket icon1.png  New World Jacket
(Learned from: Master Weaver I)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 50 ★★★
New world moccasins icon1.png  New World Moccasins
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian bandana of striking icon1.png  Saurian Bandana of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian boots of aiming icon1.png  Saurian Boots of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian boots of healing icon1.png  Saurian Boots of Healing
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian boots of striking icon1.png  Saurian Boots of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian crakows of casting icon1.png  Saurian Crakows of Casting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian gloves of aiming icon1.png  Saurian Gloves of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian gloves of casting icon1.png  Saurian Gloves of Casting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian gloves of healing icon1.png  Saurian Gloves of Healing
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian gloves of striking icon1.png  Saurian Gloves of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian shirt of striking icon1.png  Saurian Shirt of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian tabard of aiming icon1.png  Saurian Tabard of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Saurian trousers icon1.png  Saurian Trousers
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker I)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★
Temple attire augmentation icon1.png  Temple Attire Augmentation
(Learned from: Master Alchemist I)
ABasic Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 50 ★★★
Wizards attire augmentation icon1.png  Wizard's Attire Augmentation
(Learned from: Master Alchemist I)
ABasic Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 50 ★★★
Arachne culottes of casting icon1.png  Arachne Culottes of Casting
(Learned from: Master Weaver II)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 50 ★★★★
Arachne culottes of healing icon1.png  Arachne Culottes of Healing
(Learned from: Master Weaver II)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 50 ★★★★
Kirimu boots of aiming icon1.png  Kirimu Boots of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker II)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★★
Kirimu sandals of scouting icon1.png  Kirimu Sandals of Scouting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker II)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★★
Kirimu sandals of striking icon1.png  Kirimu Sandals of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker II)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★★
Kirimu tricorne icon1.png  Kirimu Tricorne
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker II)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 50 ★★★★
Mighty thundercrack icon1.png  Mighty Thundercrack
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith II)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 50 ★★★★
Ona ramuhda first edition icon1.png  Ona Ramuhda First Edition
(Learned from: Master Alchemist II)
CBlue Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 50 ★★★★
The law of levin first edition icon1.png  The Law of Levin First Edition
(Learned from: Master Alchemist II)
CBlue Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 50 ★★★★
Fur-lined saurian boots icon1.png  Fur-lined Saurian Boots
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★
Tiny bronco miniature icon1.png  Tiny Bronco Miniature
(Learned from: Master Carpenter III)
ABasic Carpenter frame icon.png CRP 60 ★★
Heavy metal claws icon1.png  Heavy Metal Claws
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal coif of fending icon1.png  Heavy Metal Coif of Fending
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal coif of maiming icon1.png  Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal greatsword icon1.png  Heavy Metal Greatsword
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal lance icon1.png  Heavy Metal Lance
(Learned from: Master Carpenter IV)
BGreen Carpenter frame icon.png CRP 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal longsword icon1.png  Heavy Metal Longsword
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal sabatons of fending icon1.png  Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal sabatons of maiming icon1.png  Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★★
Heavy metal war axe icon1.png  Heavy Metal War Axe
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
BGreen Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★★★
Hemiskin leggings of aiming icon1.png  Hemiskin Leggings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker IV)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★★★
Hemiskin leggings of scouting icon1.png  Hemiskin Leggings of Scouting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker IV)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★★★
Hemiskin leggings of striking icon1.png  Hemiskin Leggings of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker IV)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★★★