The Price of Principles

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Price of Principles

The Price of Principles Image.png
Quest giver
Minfilia Warde
The Solar (X:6, Y:6)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era
Experience 4,800
Gil 939
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestMoving On

Minfilia appears to be lost in thought.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Speak with Yda.


  • Ever since your famous victory over Gaius van Baelsar, the halls of the Waking Sands have been thronged with petitioners seeking to engage the Scions' services for personal gain. Although Minfilia is loath to entertain their dubious proposals, she wonders if accepting such patronage might ultimately empower the order to do greater good. Before making any decision, she would like to hear the opinions of your fellow Scions. Speak with Thancred, Y'shtola, Yda, Papalymo, and Urianger.
  • As expected, the other Scions are deeply concerned about the ideological implications of accepting conditional support. Perhaps Alphinaud can offer a different perspective on the matter?
  • Alphinaud seizes the opportunity to make a bold counter-proposal: move the Scions' headquarters to Mor Dhona, beyond the borders of Ul'dah and the other great nations. Though Minfilia makes a show of listening to the young Elezen's reasoning, she is not to be convinced, decrying his idea as reckless beyond words before unceremoniously dismissing him. As you silently watch Alphinaud take his leave, you sense that, beneath their heated words, another conversation was taking place...